Up next? Explosive condoms! – IOTW Report

Up next? Explosive condoms!

Jihad Watch: Latest jihad terror threat from Gaza: Explosive condoms.

TEL AVIV – Terror condoms. That’s the answer to the question “whatever will they come up with next?” posed by Breitbart Jerusalem earlier this month when rioting Gazans added helium balloons to their growing repertoire of airborne fire-starters. The last few days have seen Palestinians booby-trapping condoms before launching them over the border into Israel.  MORE

22 Comments on Up next? Explosive condoms!

  1. Sorry, but helium is not flammable.

    “The U.S. Department of Transportation defines a gas as flammable if it is ignitable within the presence of a less-than-13-percent mixture of air. This has to be able to occur at 68 degrees Fahrenheit and at atmospheric pressure. Because helium is chemically inert and nonflammable, it has uses in areas such as welding and pressure systems, where a gas is needed for a specific function but it is important that the gas not react with the metals in the system.” Source: chemistryexplained.com

  2. @Chance:

    Sorry, but helium is not flammable.

    You are correct, but helium is lighter than air, and when a balloon or balloon-like condom is filled with helium it can lift flammable things that are, in fact, burning, and carry them downwind to do serious mischief.

  3. Good God.
    This is as old as the hills on grandma breasts. I think this was news when Bill the Molester and the Hildabeast (yes my auto-correct suggested it) where in the swamp.

  4. The Government can actually trace these Condoms back to the Purchaser

    At the base of every Prophylactic there is a serial no.

    Oh…My bad… I guess a lot of You ain’t rolled one down that far…

  5. You made me laugh, Bad Brad. I thought the delete button actually deleted before anyone could see a comment but I guess that one blew up on me. Makes me smile to know you approved the comment though.


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