Up Next: “Trigger Warning” Is Triggering – IOTW Report

Up Next: “Trigger Warning” Is Triggering

Post Millennial-

University demands people stop saying ‘trigger warning’ because it’s too triggering.

Brandeis University has issued new language that they suggest be used because the previous terms were too offensive, oppressive, and violent. Among those terms to obliterate is the phrase “trigger warning.”

As alternatives to “trigger warning,” which is itself a term that was invented to make college students feel safe in class, Brandeis suggests the phrases “content note” or “drop-in” be used. “The word ‘trigger,'” they write, “has connections to guns for many people; we can give the same head’s up using language less connected to violence.”

In addition to “trigger warning,” the Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center has made a list of “violent language” that they suggest be removed utterly from a person’s vocabulary. The phrase Orwellian comes to mind, and likely they would say that, too, is an oppressive descriptor of their “oppressive language list.” more

19 Comments on Up Next: “Trigger Warning” Is Triggering

  1. Clearly they will never stop looking for the next word or action they will use to try to force obedience to whatever they want. Best is to laugh at them – and to make sure that the people who really matter, the silent majority, get the right message.

  2. Just ban all words period, that should do the trick. Can’t use the word period now either because that might indicate a birthing persons monthly menstrual cycle. Either or that or duct tape or gorilla glue (duck tape, offensive to ducks, gorilla glue is offensive to gorillas) every ones mouth shut to muzzle their every word. This is Twilight Zone and Bizarro World stuff people. Bizarro is probably offensive to people from Bizarro World where they do everything backwards and bizarre is offensive to freaks. Maybe we should just ban all progressives, leftist, socialists, commie, anti God, anti American types of people etc. who hate everything and everybody.

  3. I just eliminated the word “Brandeis,” and all of a sudden everything got much easier. Besides, “Brandeis” connotes someone or something that is elitist yet stupid, and should be utterly removed from the language.

  4. The word “moron” was coined to replace another word that was considered offensive. Now “moron” is considered offensive.

    A new term for a negative condition is still a term about a negative condition, and therefore will also come to be considered offensive.

  5. The liberal commie democrats just can not help themselves; They despise the 1st and 2nd Amendments so much that it keeps them in a constant uproar and makes it very easy to hate everything they stand for.

  6. Heh! At least in this one matter, I was spot-on prescient. I have had this ready since 2015:

    Trigger Warning warning:

    The following material contains Trigger Warnings whose descriptive text may contain language or concepts that cause offense, fear, anxiety, and/or night-time incontinence. Anyone who has reason to feel that xe may be so affected should consider counseling, voluntary commitment, or suicide.

  7. The best response to all of this is to completely ignore these people – they inhabit a different universe. I have never run into anyone anywhere (even progs) who pays any attention to this nonsense. Imagine that Brandeis PAYS people to come up with this stuff (wouldn’t want to offer better classes with that tuition money). My only question is when does the self-parody end? I am convinced they are simply making stuff up now to see if they can cause some blowback, like some weird psychology experiment (How far can we go before everyone knows we are certifiable?).

  8. The politically correct censor codes in our colleges and universities are quickly turning acceptable speech into grunts, whistles, and clicks – which will be great for all those illiterate, innumerate Affirmative Action imbeciles they’re importing.

    A brave new world, indeed.

    izlamo delenda est …

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