Up to 40,000 Non-Jabbed Army Guard Troops at Risk of Dismissal – IOTW Report

Up to 40,000 Non-Jabbed Army Guard Troops at Risk of Dismissal

Gateway Pundit: According to AP, up to 40,000 Army Guard troops are still unvaccinated and some are at risk of being dismissed after refusing to take the experimental shot, as the deadline for shots looms.

“According to data obtained by The Associated Press, between 20% to 30% of the Guard soldiers in six states are not vaccinated, and more than 10% in 43 other states still need shots,” the news outlet reported. more here

13 Comments on Up to 40,000 Non-Jabbed Army Guard Troops at Risk of Dismissal

  1. Stupid. These people are no more contagious than vaccinated people are. Omicron is evidence of that. Secondly, Covid is all but finished. If China releases another “bug” the vaccine we have already taken will not be effective anyway. Third, common sense would recognize that the vaccine is causing all kinds of secondary problems and it just might be a good idea to keep some military who are not contaminated with the vaccine.
    Finally, Fuck Joe Biden.

  2. Remember when the redhead spokesperson dismissed question about Texas National Goiar lieutenant who died assisting people in Rio Grande, referring to him as a “state employee “ – hmmm 🤔
    Governor Desantis has exempted state employees.
    National Guard members are paid same as millions reservists, but are working for their respective governors except when mobilized for national emergencies.

  3. @Xray June 26, 2022 at 2:34 pm

    > Come fight with us when we take this corrupt guberment down.

    Nobody trusts a traitor.

    Only tards trust the retarded.

    Yes. There are safe spaces for them to work. Just not alonside the unretarded.

  4. “This is a purge of Conservatives. Nothing more, nothing less.”

    May not be Conservatives; may just be plain ole ordinary Americans who believe in Liberty and Freedom from the tyrannical dictates of nefarious malefactors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Tim – FJB June 26, 2022 at 3:59 pm

    > May not be Conservatives; may just be plain ole ordinary Americans who believe in Liberty and Freedom from the tyrannical dictates of nefarious malefactors.

    As has been pointed out, time and again, Americans (no adjectives) would be killing them, by now.

    So, no. Just bowtie twirling, constitution licking, dole check cashing, United States citizens.

  6. Halt all pipelines and oil production
    Increase the price of fuel
    Increase the price for energy (gas, diesel, fuel oil, Natural gas and electricity)
    Rely of foreign oil produced by dictatorial regimes
    Deplete the National Oil Reserve
    Deplete the military
    Failed to secure $Billions of military weapons, helicopters and materials in Afghanistan.
    Abandoned American Citizens and allies
    Failed military leadership
    Failed Foreign Policies
    Spend trillions on ineffective green energy
    Raise interest rates and inflation
    Deplete retirement accounts
    Force Americans to take the jab
    Encourage division between races, ideological differences, those who were jabbed and those who were not
    Supporting trans and other perverts in our schools and libraries
    Open to massive illegal immigration
    Paying immigrants while attacking US Families
    Having the DOJ and FBI investigate parents who make statements at School Board meetings
    Weaponizing Federal Agencies, Raiding citizen’s homes
    Federal Agencies buying thousands of Weapons and ammunition
    Support the killing of babies
    Anti-Second Amendment
    Continues to lie to the American people

    Biden is doing his best to destroy the US, our Constitutional rights and our ability to protect our Nation from within and outside our borders. If this, and much more, aren’t treasonous acts, what are?

  7. An epic hoax by the power-mad and money-grubbing. Their ‘master plan’ is to cash in on the financial windfall then sit back, laugh, and enjoy. Repeat with another “virus” and “vaxx” at a future date.


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