Update: Democrat Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants – IOTW Report

Update: Democrat Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants


UPDATE: Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) has withdrawn her suggestion of “censure” instead of impeaching President Donald Trump — a trial balloon for an exit strategy in response to dismal polling for Rep. Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings.

After her radio remarks blew up overnight, Lawrence issued a statement declaring “I still support impeachment”: MORE

14 Comments on Update: Democrat Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants

  1. More evidence that when you vote for a democrat to the House, you’re just voting for Pelosi. No one else there as a democrat is allowed to have any say in a goddamn thing going on there. What a shitty party.

  2. “Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) stated Sunday that she no longer believes the impeachment of President Donald Trump is the route Democrats should take to winning back the White House.“

    What? I thought it was about JUSTICE! You mean all this impeachment business was just a cynical ploy by the democrats to win back the White House?! I’m shocked!!!

  3. She is a Black Female Democrat in a very Black district.
    Let that sink in.
    The Democrats pulled on her chains and made her change her mind.
    The Democrats have not changed one bit. They will never allow their Blacks off the Democrat plantation freely. Lawrence is biding her time and appeasing them for now. She knows that 35% of her Black constituents support Trump. She knows that Trump is the best thing that has come along for Blacks since Abraham Lincoln.

    Hop on the TRUMP Freedom Train.

  4. Lousy Puh-Lousy uses threats of
    political destruction against ‘crats
    who won’t vote her way.

    In 2009 she used it frequently to
    shove thru obamacare and many ‘crats
    lost their seat in 2010.


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