Update on Seattle and San Francisco restaurant employment – IOTW Report

Update on Seattle and San Francisco restaurant employment

sea-tac chart


Here’s an update to my recent post about Seattle area restaurant employment “Minimum wage effect? January to June job losses for Seattle area restaurants (-1,300) largest since Great Recession.” Local area employment data by industry was released last week for the month of July, and showed a large increase in restaurant employment of 2,500 jobs during July for the Seattle MSA (seasonally adjusted), giving minimum wage proponents a lot to cheer about (see chart above). But before declaring victory for the success of Seattle’s (and San Francisco’s) pending increase to a $15 an hour minimum wage, we should consider the following:



4 Comments on Update on Seattle and San Francisco restaurant employment

  1. Maybe I’m too stupid to get it. He’s talking about “June to January” averages, and his graph spans the years 2003 to 2015. I.m sorry, but be cannot draw any conclusions based on one month, and admits the subject needs more study. Duh

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