Updates on the ‘bombs’ – IOTW Report

Updates on the ‘bombs’



Breitbart has updates HERE.

President Trump has already condemned the actions of the person who sent the ‘devices’ to the media and the politicians, but  as you know, the left is still blaming President Trump for this, because that’s what they do.
Anyway, The left is losing their sh!t, again. Primo drama at the link above!


Robert Spencer tweets:

Flag on pipe bombs sent to Democrat leaders appears to be parody of ISIS flag.

New York Times cites experts suggesting bombs could be fake:

“Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device […] suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/24/nyregion/clinton-obama-explosive-device.html 


AP reports the powder in package sent to CNN is “harmless”:

A law enforcement official says tests have determined that a powder found inside an envelope delivered to CNN along with a pipe bomb was harmless.


 SHOCK: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) distinguishes between criticism and incitement, fails to virtue signal in sync with CNN.


Yes words matter. Because freedom of speech allows us to air & settle our disagreements & grievances using words INSTEAD of violence. The 1st Amendment protects press freedom,but it doesn’t bestow immunity from criticism. Criticism & calling people to violence are not the same.

SNIP: The prog-press is going to milk this for all they can get, even though everyone outside of DC believes this is a scam the press concocted themselves.  Maybe even to use it as a way to cancel the vote on Nov. 6.

Not gonna happen, Cap’n.

35 Comments on Updates on the ‘bombs’

  1. Whoever did this has a real hate for Debbie Weightwatchers Schultz. who did SHE piss off? The Awans? Bernie? lol.

    Well, I hope they enjoyed themselves. They’re going to jail for this one for several years. (Unless it’s a Democrat or Democrat relative, of course).

  2. The Good GENERAL Svejk-
    This is what I said a few threads ago about the pictures of the ‘devices’.

    ❌ ‏Grim Bane’s Folly @GrimFolly
    Replying to @thomasbsauer

    As former LEO – We would NEVER release images or ANY information about an alleged explosive device(s), details about how they arrived or anything like that…this would be a full black out, wide open investigation. This is propaganda folks.
    2:10 PM – Oct 24, 2018

    – the people in the mail rooms were practically taking selfies with the ‘bombs’

  3. The Isis flag is a dead giveaway. Everybody knows “get er done” is Larry the Cable guy’s slogan and everybody knows that he hates Democrats. This was clearly the work of the right wing.

  4. Some of the endangered Dem Senators will likely get sympathy bombs this week. I’d say we’ve seen about half the payload delivered, but the Dems always overdo it, so it could be as many as ten more bombs before they quit.

    What do you think the final total on the illegal invasion force will be? I think the Dems will top that off at half a million. Like I said, they don’t know when to quit, and they’re above the shark before they know it.

  5. Ha!
    Give me ONE, count them…1, reason why the phucking, liberal, sore-ass democratic losers wouldn’t have set this up for their own pity party.

    The candy-assed, sore loser, pouty, insecure and desperate pitiful dems are MORE than willing to do ANYTHING to phuck over Trump and his supporters.
    THAT is a promise.

  6. False Flags… again. This is a hoax designed to squeeze more votes out of the Dem Base.

    None of these so-called packages would have gotten past a Postal Clerk anywhere in the USA. Content questions and bogus return address would have nipped this sh!t in the bud.

  7. Rotating mail strike in Canada so bombs would have been delivered after Christmas probably. Just made it possible to buy weed here legally and have it delivered by the Post Office to your door or box but now delay.

  8. About 3 decades ago, I worked with a guy, who kind of became a friend. He made pipe bombs for fun, it was the first time I’d ever seen one.

    There were no wires, they had fuses that had to be lit.

    We were walking somewhere in town on foot, it was cool outside, I was wearing a jacket. This dude, as we were walking near some train tracks, pulls out one of his creations.

    He lit the fuse and tossed up on the tracks. Clank, clank, I heard the metal pipe hit the rails, we walked (never run, it makes you look guilty) quickly around a corner.

    GHOLLY! That thing was LOUD! It echoed off buildings, it was clearly the loudest firework I’d ever heard. However, something I hadn’t expected to hear also showed how destructive a pipe bomb could be.

    It was the whizzing of shrapnel from the pipe. We didn’t stick around to analyze the damage, but I bet a few windows/cars/building facades were damaged.

    I don’t know how I met up with these cats, but I also knew another guy that built pipe bomb grenades. No shit, he build a launcher that would launch a pipe bomb on a stick. It was fired with a 12 gauge shotgun charge and the tip of the pipe bomb had another 12 gauge shell with a nail to strike the primer, which set off the pipe bomb upon impact. I only saw this device, I never saw it function.

    While I’m pretty sure these things were illegal back then, there wasn’t the kind of stigma surrounding them as there is today. So it seemed kind of benign, neither of these cats were hell bent on destruction or death. They were just handy and liked to have fun with uncommon things.

  9. My guess is that these Play-Doh “bombs” were sent by the FBI or one of their retarded stooges.
    Eight bombs and NO explosions? C’mon. A dumb-fuck 12 y/o with a box of primers could do better than that.
    Anybody remember (reading about) the Reichstag Fire?
    The National Socialists deliberately burned the Reichstag to foment hatred against the Jews. It worked then; it may work again.
    We know that the “leftists” (nihilistic totalitarians – aka Demonrats) have been preaching hatred and division for, what? ten years? We know they tried to incite a race war (which is still in doubt – though it didn’t take off as they expected) and then fell back on this phony “caravan” bullshit which is being exposed for the fraud that it is.
    Kavanaugh may have been the last straw, since a return to the constraints of the Constitution completely eviscerates the nihilistic totalitarian socialist agenda.

    So, now this. The FBI already knows this amateurish crap is just that: CRAP!
    This is as incompetent as “Clock Boy” but with much wider publicity. It is an orchestrated play and the FBI is doing its part.

    Seriously, does anyone give a rat’s ass about that old ham de Niro?
    Really? And Mad Max? She’s the best thing to happen to the Republicans since, what? Lincoln un-Constitutionally imposed an Income Tax?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. i have to say, I’m never disappointed with the disappointing behaviors of these disappointing liberal political zealots.

    here’s looking forward to Trumps 2nd term, may he forever change the establishment and get it back on the right track.

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