US Accused of Starting a Color Revolution in Serbia – IOTW Report

US Accused of Starting a Color Revolution in Serbia

Independent Sentinel:

There are reports that a color revolution is currently taking place in Serbia after the European liberals lost the election. The opposition forces are holding pro-democracy protests (pro-Western), demanding the anulment of elections due to irregularities. The US and Europe support the demonstrators who lost the election.

The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of President Aleksandar Vucic won the most seats in the Belgrade City Assembly. The opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) alliance claims voter fraud achieved the outcome.

Opposition activists and students clashed with police during the fresh anti-government protest in Serbia’s capital; more than 30 people were detained while the opposition called for a fresh rally on Monday.

During a demonstration in front of the Republican Election Commission last Monday, leading Serbian statistician Milorad Kovacevic and several of his associates were reportedly attacked by activists. Police seized several knives and bats from protesters, local media said. [The US supports these election fraud riots as opposed to J6]. more here

14 Comments on US Accused of Starting a Color Revolution in Serbia

  1. I hate that our country, the United States, is now on of the bad guys.

    “The European Union and the United States have jointly called on Serbia to address concerns related to its electoral process.”
    …as the President of El Salvador recently (and accurately) said, “The United States has lost its ability to lecture any other country about ‘democracy,’”, although he’s a bit late to the party and SHOULD have said it after the election was stolen in 2020 if not before, but now its pretty obvious. This nation being run buy a fraudulently imposed pedophile has NO business telling OTHERS they “need to address concerns about their electoral process” when it has jails FULL of unconstitutional illegally held political prisoners that DARED to question OUR OWN “electoral process”.

    Also, they need to not have “Progressive” in my initials (The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS)). Yes, they did it first, but of there’s ONE word that’s been SO corrupted it needs banned, it’s “Progressive,” and I really DESPISE being associated in any way with that…

  2. “Police seized several knives and bats from protesters…”

    “Serbia Against Violence (SPN)”

    They tell you exactly who they are, you just have to assume the opposite of what they say.

    I smell the stinkfinger of Soros/CIA/Antifa in Serbia.

  3. I can’t even tell who I am supposed to be rooting for. But I’ll bet that ‘Serbia Against Violence’ is basically their antifa, and likely prone to violence – so I supposed whichever side they aren’t on.

  4. SNS…”I hate that our country, the United States, is now on of the bad guys.” Agree but we’ve been bad for a long time. Democrats don’t change their spots and they’ve been around forever.

  5. Looks like Victoria Nuland has found a new playground for The State Department to destroy. How many colour revolutions did she and her “NGOs” have to throw in Ukraine before they got “their man”? I just didn’t realize there was enough money in Serbia to get The Big Guy’s attention. But they are sure willing to sacrifice millions of lives to those books closed.


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