US Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim – IOTW Report

US Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim

charles martland

Pamela Geller– This is Obama’s Department of Defense.

First off, Obama is not fit to wipe this man’s boots. Secondly, in Obama’s depraved world, he identifies with the Afghan, not the American soldier.

This is a travesty — a grotesque miscarriage of justice.

Read the whole thing.

We are under siege.

Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim, Fox News, August 21, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after an 11-year Special Forces career, after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother when she reported the incident.


12 Comments on US Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim

  1. Moslems are such filthy pigs, they won’t lock up a man for raping children or beating women. They would have to turn their back on the pedophile muhammad in order to do that. And that asshole who occupies the position of commander in chief demands that OUR Troops respect the way of the pedophile.
    With 0bama the caliphate always comes first. He is gutting our military for the benefit of the caliphate.

  2. Maybe now America’s military will decide to honor their oath to “Preserve,protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic”.
    That half breed America hating Muslim needs to go.

  3. As soon as B Hussein O got elected the first time I knew that Americans had been hoodwinked into electing the enemy. Pray for this nation. It’s become the Devil’s playground.

  4. Obama is a freaking pig of a muslim! Start calling the shithead out for what he is! Damn the left drew the naarative on him in the beginning when you could not speak his TRUE middle name! This passes me off! Then I hear today that obie won’t let in Christians from over three but will allow all other dregs on society! F, F,F!

  5. Leftists tyrants have an inbred and undeniable defect of homosexual pedophilia. It is present in islime in the form of an epidemic. The Nazis had numerous homosexual pedos doing little boys and each other. The catholic church has been riddled from top to bottom with deviant predator homopedos that have hi jacked it from within. Washington dc is full of homopedos on the left and the right. (Barney Fag Frank, Denny Hastert, Lindsy Graham, Mitch Mconnelll, Arnie Duncan, Bob “foot tap in the toilet” Livingston and on, on,on) I repeat citing the Franklin Federal Credit Union child sex scandal.

    We are no longer outraged at the rape and murder of innocent children. When a society can be mind numbed into not revolting and executing these fucking zoo animals then they can lead to suicide by its leaders. We are nearing that point.

  6. Maybe if he went went AWOL in a war zone, became a traitor and collaborated with the enemy he would have had his parents in the Rose Garden with obama, been promoted and allowed to stay in the Army.

    Where in the hell is the traitor bergdahl?
    Where are the weak kneed Army brass kissers?
    Disgusting and dishonorable.

  7. “I think it is way past time for a South American or African style military coup.”

    Jack, you better hope that never happens. NOBODY will like that. The people with enough rank to order it are politicians too. They may wear the uniform but they haven’t been military folks for a long time.

    It’s just the way that works today.

    That said, IF they do, I’d suggest the summary execution of the Executive branch including every single department and agency head, every sitting member of congress and senate, and the entire Supreme Court. This to be over and done with in the first four hours.

    That would be the only way to establish ANY level of trust with the civilian populace.

  8. Leon Uris wrote the Haj, and all you need to know about those sons of bitches is in there.
    An Old Arab Saying:
    For children: a woman.
    For pleasure, a boy.
    For ecstasy: a melon

    Our military can recover from the plague named Obama.
    We just need a real Commander in Chief, not a lady’s blouse.
    In a real shootin’ war a lot of the politician brass pansies will get fragged or fall down stairs and need to retire.

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