US Army Muslim Soldier Arrested for Jihad Plot To Blow Up 9/11 Memorial In New York City, Other Landmarks, Fellow Soldiers – IOTW Report

US Army Muslim Soldier Arrested for Jihad Plot To Blow Up 9/11 Memorial In New York City, Other Landmarks, Fellow Soldiers

Geller Report:

Where did he get these ideas? Is his mosque under investigation? What is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques? And how did this so-called “misunderstanding” of Islam become so widespread? Why do hundreds of millions of Muslims understand Islam in this exact same way?

Some Muslims make limp-wrested condemnation of the Islamic State, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques.

If the moderates really reject extremism, let them show it by instituting genuine programs to teach against these views of Islam. more

11 Comments on US Army Muslim Soldier Arrested for Jihad Plot To Blow Up 9/11 Memorial In New York City, Other Landmarks, Fellow Soldiers

  1. Tony has it right. Probably no one among the elite “intelligentsia” in the military and the DC government will learn much from this or do much about it.

    So many heads, so few “canoes”…

  2. You could make a close comparison to the black community. We know there are many enlightened and free thinking blacks in society, however only few to the vast majority and are constantly under attack for being so. The vast majority are near monolithic in a angry and resentful ideology kept stoked by leaders.
    In both cases, Muslims and blacks, the ideologies are nearly impervious to apposing views because of an unwillingness to consider challenges to their dogma.
    You can’t fix stupid.

  3. The pic reminds me of someone’s famous son-in-law, who ill advised his father-in-law. The name escapes me at the moment…. 😵

    Anyway, Joe’s canceling the Muslim ban that wasn’t a Muslim ban, that originated with his prior boss, in order to welcome in “refugees” across the world “escaping persecution” and I’m sure they’ll be well vetted by his China Visa selling head of DHS. No worries folks. 🤮

  4. I’m shocked!
    Shocked, I tells ya!
    You couldda knocked me over widda feddah!

    After Nidal Hassan I thought the Army had learned a few things …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Seems like the last four years have been relatively calm on the muslim terrorist front. I reckon we will soon be back to Obama-era levels of muslim terrorism, coupled with more deep state clown show mideast meddling as they try to wreck the peace which President Trump built.

    It is likely that Wray’s FBI is already trying to bring together “insurrectionists” and muslim terrorist wannabe’s in America for for terrorist attacks which will be used to discredit opposition to the Demofascist regime.


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