US Blacklists China’s Huawei – IOTW Report

US Blacklists China’s Huawei

Epoch Times: WASHINGTON—The Commerce Department said on May 15 it was adding Huawei Technologies and 70 affiliates to its “Entity List”—a move that bans the company from acquiring components and technology from U.S. firms without government approval.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement that President Donald Trump backed the decision to “prevent American technology from being used by foreign owned entities in ways that potentially undermine U.S. national security or foreign policy interests.”

Trump earlier in the day signed an executive order barring U.S. companies from using telecommunications equipment made by firms deemed to pose a national security risk.

The executive order invokes the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which gives the president the authority to regulate commerce in response to a national emergency that threatens the United States.

The order directs the Commerce Department, working with other government agencies, to draw up a plan for enforcement.  read more

8 Comments on US Blacklists China’s Huawei

  1. The chinks must be upset. Without Hillary around they were counting on their 5G to provide another pipeline to our most carefully guarded secrets. Trump has really gummed up the works!

  2. a move that bans the company from acquiring components and technology from U.S. firms without government approval

    So, my future Huawei products will only spy on me for The Peoples Republic of China? Instead of The Peoples Republic of China and The United States of America? What a gyp!

  3. I made the mistake of buying a Chinese brand phone. Used to watch that thing update and install apps on its own without permissions. Took it to the garage, started a rip roaring fire in the woodstove and said goodbye to it.Googles playstore likes to pull that crap too but I’ll usually catch the download arrow on the top of the screen and cancel it out. Wonder how many times I’ve missed it? When I type a complaint and send it at least they always thank me for the feedback. Bastards.

  4. Any tech product that does NOT allow NSA to put in a back door access is a threat to those gleaning sensitive data. It is called spying on everybody. And Huawei would not do it!

    March 29, 2014
    NSA stole Huawei’s source code, could have added back doors

    “At this point the hypocrisy of the U.S government is unbelievable. While on the one hand it bans Huawei from selling its equipment in the USA due to fears of spying by the Chinese, the NSA is actively hacking into Huawei and stealing the source code for Huawei’s products.

    Since Huawei also makes Android handsets it isn’t beyond reason to speculate that the NSA has implanted code in these devices.

    With access to the source code, the NSA wanted to add its own back doors so that when the company sold equipment to other countries it could easily gain access to their networks and conduct surveillance operations.

    “If it is true, the irony is that exactly what they are doing to us is what they have always charged that the Chinese are doing through us,” said Huawei spokesman Bill Plummer. “If such espionage has been truly conducted, then it is known that the company is independent and has no unusual ties to any government and that knowledge should be relayed publicly to put an end to an era of mis- and disinformation.”

    Since Huawei also makes Android handsets it isn’t beyond reason to speculate that the NSA has implanted code in these devices and could be using them to spy on consumers all over the world, especially those in Asia.”


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