US Border Patrol raids illegal alien hiding places – IOTW Report

US Border Patrol raids illegal alien hiding places

Breitbart : As December came to a close, U.S. Border Patrol Agents announced two raids, one on an apartment on the Texas-Mexico border and another on a truck with a secret hiding place. The action resulted in the arrests of 41 illegal immigrants.

illegals 2

On December 31, the agency announced that an apartment in Palmview, Texas, a small town on the border, was raided and 31 illegal immigrants were found within. All were arrested and slated for deportation.  MORE


14 Comments on US Border Patrol raids illegal alien hiding places

  1. If they were serious, and of course they’re not, they would raid Home Depot and Lowe’s parking lots in the morning, and stop the landscaping crew pickup trucks leaving gated communities in the afternoon.

  2. 11 million illegal alien invading rat-people in the country and they do TWO (2) raids!

    Are you shittin me?

    Oh, yeah, I’m convinced, now, that the Demonrats are doing EVERY-fucking-THING to keep America safe!

  3. The 11 million figure is over 10 years old, and was undoubtedly a lower end estimate at the time. Since then they have been coming at a rate of 300,000m per year or more. When you add their children, who are not considered illegals, the real number is probably closer to 40 million
    The illegal population here in CA alone is 4-6 million. (not counting their children) We know that based on the number of their kids that are in our schools.
    This is an all out invasion, and when the day comes that we have to fight it we will have to battle them within and without.

  4. Hey it took them seven years to find those two hidey holes. They have much better things to do with their time like attend multi-cultural diversity training and watch the daily soaps and make gay rainbow posters and take a daily siesta and watch the grass grow and collect pay checks, etc!

  5. Isn’t the rest of the story that after the raid those found hiding are given bus or airfare to a new American town, and set up in a furnished apartment. Rent free, with an EBT card, cable, free healthcare, and an Obamaphone ?

    Priority going to the ones with gang tattoos. No tats, no rap sheet, get deported for to give the appearance of upholding the law.

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