US Cardinal: Democratic Party ‘Now Slams The Door’ On Catholics – IOTW Report

US Cardinal: Democratic Party ‘Now Slams The Door’ On Catholics

DC: Cardinal Timothy Dolan lamented that the Democratic party has slammed the door on Catholics by opposing religious education and any pro-life stance.

Dolan, the archbishop of New York, made the remarks in a Thursday op-ed entitled “The Democrats Abandon Catholics,” published in the Wall Street Journal with the subheading, “If you value religious education or life’s sanctity, you’re not welcome in the party.”

The Democratic Party once courted the Catholic vote and, according to Democrats for Life, one-in-three Democrats is pro-life, but Dolan asserts that the national party has completely alienated and worked against any candidate who holds a pro-life stance or supports the rights of religious schools.

“I’m a pastor, not a politician, and I’ve certainly had spats and disappointments with politicians from both of America’s leading parties,” Dolan wrote. “But it saddens me, and weakens the democracy millions of Americans cherish, when the party that once embraced Catholics now slams the door on us.”  more

13 Comments on US Cardinal: Democratic Party ‘Now Slams The Door’ On Catholics

  1. But Catholics will KEEP voting for them – same as the Jews do – even though Demtards are opposed to ANY faith (save mohammedanism 🙄 ), & it’s against their own BEST interests & self-preservation! 😳

  2. In other words, the Refugee Resettlement gravy train ain’t what it used to be and the democrats haven’t fought hard enough to keep it flowing. Come to think of it, with both RR and DACA in the Ds rearview mirror, they almost seem anti immigrant. Almost… 😂

  3. First time I heard Dolan sing the praises of omama, Dolan moved to my “Ignore” list. Since Communist-Dems have been supporting abortion since their 1976 platform, ALL Catholics should have known better. Now I’m angry with the Church and angry with Trump. It’s a hellava Saturday.


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