US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags – IOTW Report

US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags

h/t Brad.


s this a surprise?
The anti-Trump Chamber of Commerce included goodies from China in the swag bags they handed out at the Summit of the Americas CEO Summit earlier this week. more

7 Comments on US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags

  1. Sorry this has nothing to do with this article but I just saw it and had to share, it’s a short so watch till the end.
    Uncle Al will like it, she references Bastiat.

  2. It was in 2007 that I realized that the Chamber of Commerce was in the bag for the Democrats no matter what kind of crime they presented. Bunch of communists. F-k them.

  3. Pick up anything “patriotic” in any store, it’s all MIC.

    Same in Canada, all the “Canadian” team merchandise is MIC.

    They are laughing AT US, not with us. More fool we.

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