US Chapter of ‘Youth Climate Strike’ Founder is Ilhan Omar’s 16-Year-Old Daughter – IOTW Report

US Chapter of ‘Youth Climate Strike’ Founder is Ilhan Omar’s 16-Year-Old Daughter

Big League Politics:

The Youth Climate Strike made its mark on Friday, Sept. 20 when 150 countries participated in the organization’s largest mass protest to date. Estimates have placed up to 4 million people joining the cause in a powerful showing of solidarity that has placed serious momentum behind globalism and carbon taxes.

The movement’s chapter in the United States was co-founded in Jan. 2019 by Isra Hirsi, the 16-year-old daughter of Somalian-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), to encourage students to skip school and cause a public scene to fight climate change. read more

36 Comments on US Chapter of ‘Youth Climate Strike’ Founder is Ilhan Omar’s 16-Year-Old Daughter

  1. Take a good look at these people and ask yourself: How do such people rise so quickly to such positions of great power, recognition, and high status in our nation?

    It’s like one day they’re not there and the next day they are running everything.

  2. How DARE you. Ilhan Omar would never use her family members for personal or political gain. And how DARE you doubt a poor child who is on the Islamism Spectrum.

    But I have to wonder how her uncle-dad feels about this.

  3. There is no way in hell that kid will ever grow up and be someone I could get along with, or appreciate for what she has had to overcome. I’d rather make friends with a honey badger.

  4. Anyone remember, say, 10 years ago, back when it was not only okay to wear teeshirts in favor of the president in schools, but kindergartners and first graders etc. were singing songs and worshipping The One?

  5. If that thing is 16, why in hell doesn’t she have a diaper wrapped around her head? Anomalies occur frequently in Islam, one wonders perhaps another set of eyes protruding from the back of her head? Could be the reason for no diaper wrapping.

  6. I think it’s wonderful that so many children want to save the planet. And the best part? As long as they all promise to never ride in a car again, or use anything made of plastic, the rest of us won’t have to change our lifestyles.

  7. With Omar’s other known history there’s a high probability that Isra is really Omar’s cousin-daughter, not just daughter. A variation on Faye Dunaway’s sister-daughter child in Chinatown.

  8. How do they come here and rise so fast–exactly Anon–I recall our daughter asked this back in HS when she saw a fellow student on Myspace or whatever they had then and the said Mom–she is in the CIA! I couldn’t believe this so I looked and sure enough it was a student intern program and the muzlem girl was standing with a group AT the CIA near DC with the CIA seal embedded in the tile floor. And she asked me How does she get to do this?? To which I replied I think it’s got to do with being muzlim. Same thing this year for first time our current local HS has a first time Boys Nation candidate and happens to be recent immigrant. His bio says he asked to be in the group so they ASK and then they are just given what they want? again a possible religion of peace student.

  9. Women sometimes have a bowel movement while giving birth. When Ilhan Omar gave birth, the doctors threw away the baby and wrapped up the turd in a blanket and handed it to her. She named it Isra apparently.


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