US citizens fill jobs after ICE raids at Koch Foods, others – IOTW Report

US citizens fill jobs after ICE raids at Koch Foods, others


The immigration raids conducted last week in Mississippi by President Donald Trump’s administration may have just helped further lower America’s unemployment rate.

In the days immediately following the raids on seven poultry processing plants and the subsequent arrests of nearly 700 illegal alien workers, one of the companies responsible for managing employees at the plants held a job fair that reportedly attracted at least 150 applications from U.S. citizens.

@gabegutierrez NOT NEWS @ NBC: “Americans Apply for Jobs at Koch Foods After ICE Raid Roughly 150 locals attended an August 12 job fair to apply for jobs at the Koch Foods’ plants in Mississippi. The fair was run after the August 7 removal of 243 alleged illegal migrants ”

— John Day (@day1038) August 14, 2019

“Koch Foods, based near Chicago, held the job fair to recruit new workers at one of its Morton plants, after Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on Wednesday arrested 243 workers suspected of working without legal authorization,” the Associated Press reported on Monday. MORE

17 Comments on US citizens fill jobs after ICE raids at Koch Foods, others

  1. These companies need to be investigated and fined if possible. How many US taxpayer dollars went down the drain paying for unemployed Americans??? The left has to be stopped before they sink us with their kind hearts and foolish thinking. If they want to burn money, burn their own.

  2. I work in the food industry and this time of year I go to a lot of local produce farms and packing/processing houses. The region I work in has a lot of farmland, but we also have a city that is full of people of African ancestry who have been trapped in the cycle of poverty since LBJ created his “Great Societies” to “have those n—-rs voting democrat for the next 200 years”. The unemployment rate in that city hovered around 25% for the last several decades.

    Before Trump was elected the employees at the farms and packing/processing houses were about 95% Hispanic. Over the last three years that has changed and now I’m seeing at least 50% of the workers being black, maybe slightly more.

    The unemployment rate in that city has fallen to 3.6% since Trump took office.

    People who complain about the wall not being built (Ann Coulter for example) don’t realize that just enforcing existing laws that past administrations have ignored for decades can have (and is having) a tremendous effect.

    And I’m not just talking about immigration law, but also making it tougher for people to live off government entitlements. These farm and factory jobs weren’t jobs that Americans didn’t want to do, they were jobs that Americans didn’t have to do because the government was providing their livelihood for free.

  3. pbunyan — thanks for the on-the-ground report. It’s good to learn of the president’s policy impact from someone who has first hand info to share.

    This story about the chicken processing plant is one of the best examples of how fraudulent employment practices directly impact Americans and the American taxpayer.

  4. @Annonymous
    Sadly, these companies will not hire US citizens unless they speak Spanish. I have friends who have applied to these companies and were not hired precisely because they did not speak Spanish.

  5. …back at the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, the company I work for did a lot of contract work with the military, and for various reasons including the fact the company was mentioned BY NAME in an intercepted Taliban communication, the Government decided to investigate our McAllen TX subsidiary for possible enemy infiltration. To that end, the FBI (back when they did things besides try to overthrow duly elected Presidents of the United States, this is pre-“Obama”) started interviewing folks and cross-checking E-Verify records against physical documents and interview results. They didn’t find any Muslims (THOSE were all in our Ohio plant), but they DID find about 60% illegal Mexicans (McAllen is a border town, so no surprises there). They booted all the illegals (again, pre-“Obama”, so you could still do that), arrested the HR boss, and pretty much forced the Conpany to try to repopulate, and ultimately move, the McAllen operation.

    They weren’t doing anything the whole INDUSTRY doesn’t do. Illegals are CHEAPER and easier to control (or were, you could once threaten them with La Migra), and generally worked hard, so why NOT, from a unethical business perspective?

    They never would have got CAUGHT if it hadn’t been for the war and the communication, so it’s low risk, too. Everyone does it, so if the Government ACTUALLY cracked down instead of doing show raids, the economy would grind to a halt.

    …I use this one guy as a bellwether for the current state of immigration enforcement that I call ‘Phil’ because he used that name in one iteration, and looks about as much like a Phil as a typical White guy looks like a Santiago. Also, he’s got this very Mexican feature thing going on, like if you took George Lopez, had him lose about 300 pounds, and whacked him a few times with the ugly stick besides. Very distinctive, and so individualistically unpleasant to look at that you KNOW a merciful God wouldn’t have made TWO of them, so he’s a no-doubter when he’s in da howse, hairnet or no.

    ‘Phil’ tends to be there when Immigration enforcement is lax, and tends to disappear when it picks up. Our Company has changed ownership several times, but every one has hired and fired this guy at one time or another. ‘Phil’ comes back with a different name and different SSN every time, but is VERY recognizable and will also generally respond to any of his former names too, because ‘Phil’ isn’t that bright.

    …But he IS cheap.

    ‘Phil’ lives with several other Mexicans in a rental, and they share residence and expenses, sending MOST of their money South to family, where USDs go a LOT further. They are generally loyal and don’t make trouble or demands, so why NOT, from a Company perspective?

    ‘Phil’ isn’t there right now. He disappeared again in early 2017, but I suspect he’ll be back if Democrats get back in.

    Now multiply this by every factory in the US, and you’ll see the scope of the problem.

    ‘Phil’ is made more popular as the economy booms and the “fight for 15” crowd gets louder. You will NEVER end the appeal of ‘Phil’ or the availability of ‘Phil’, until you start arresting the people who EMPLOY ‘Phil’. THAT’S where you deal with the problem from, the HIRING end.

    …sending an exec to jail stopped THIS Company’s shenanigans for a long while.

    I bet it would work NATIONALLY, if only we were a Nation of laws. Unfortunately, as long as we have Democrats, we will have lawlessness.

    …so the REAL, CORE answer, then, is don’t have Democrats…

  6. “These companies need to be investigated and fined if possible….”

    Absolutely, Perry!

    Not saying that Koch Foods (and others) have been doing this all along with illegal employing, but if they have not been deducting Fed and FICA taxes from illegal’s paychecks (or cash paid), these companies should be severely fined and their books investigated to collect from them ALL the taxes that were not deducted over multiple years.

    Why should I be required to do this for some 15 years when these people have been easily getting away with it while the rest of us business people remain honest and really love being surrounded by, and employing fellow Americans?

  7. ANY law applies to everyone or it is not legitimate.

    If someone is here illegally, they cannot be employed legally.
    Every employer is made aware of that.

    All other talk is shister lawyers jawing.

  8. Koch and Koch Bros are not related.
    They are Trippplets.
    They are SLAVE OWNERS.
    They play both sides of the coin.
    And make US subsidize their SLAVES.
    Their food is misery for profit.
    They won’t pay living wages but will import third world labor.
    THEY will make YOU clothe, feed and house their labor slaves if YOU let them.

  9. You people have no hearts for the little people fighting and fleeing the injustice out there.

    In America everyone has the right to work, receive benefits, and be protected by the constitution and the sweat equity of its citizens.

    Citizens, we don’t need no stinking citizens! We recognize no borders nor any “nationalistic & oppressive” laws being applied to an arbitrary status like membership or identity in a pre-selected grouping.

    We are not illegals – we are persons deserving what you have be turned over to us.


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