US credit rating “downgraded” – IOTW Report

US credit rating “downgraded”

RT: China Chengxin International Credit Rating (CCXI) slashed its sovereign credit score for the US by one notch earlier this week, becoming the first among top rating firms to make the move.

The leading Chinese agency, a joint venture between Beijing Zhixiang Information Management Consulting and US ratings giant Moody’s, lowered the US to AAg+ from AAAg, having placed it on review for a further downgrade, according to a statement released on Thursday. 

“The intensification of political divisions between the two parties in the United States has increased the difficulty of resolving the debt-ceiling issue,” the statement reads.

“Even if a consensus is reached, the brinkmanship would pose uncertainty to the US government’s policy path and dampen economic confidence, which could trigger further volatility in the US politics and economy,” the agency added.

According to CCXI, US debt sustainability is currently being seriously challenged, with the highest level of borrowing among the previously AAAg-rated nations, while the issue is being complicated by hawkish policies of the US Federal Reserve. The regulator has hiked the key interest rate several times over the past few months, raising the risk of asset depreciation on the balance sheets of many financial institutions. more

14 Comments on US credit rating “downgraded”

  1. The sabotage against the US is complete. And Obama was sucking dick all the time.

    Larry Sinclair Recalls His Homosexual Tryst With Barack Obama: ‘He Came Back for Seconds’

  2. China and the Biden Administration working Hand in Hand (or their hand in our Pocket).
    Waiting for McCarthy and the GOP light to bend over, like every other year.
    How high of a debt can we sustain? I think we are past sustainability.
    Cut federal Agencies, Wuhan research funding, wasteful projects, ear marks and funding countries who continually vote against US Interests at the UN, Cut UN and NATO payments, Reduce armed forces in Europe. And reduce the numbers of US Generals and Colonels with forced retirement.

  3. Defund the FBI, CIA, Department of Education, cut off ALL Foreign Aid, Cut off funding to of any and all arts and that will buy a little time to figure out the next round of defunding and cutting.

  4. Seriously, What is so terrible about a default? A more fun question would be if any nationwide default would include ALL debts? Car loans, mortgages, credit lines and cards. How about States? Counties? Plenty of debts all around.

  5. If the ‘money’ is fiat (baseless and also unconstitutional), then is not the indebtedness with said ‘money’ also baseless?

    (Congress to disband the Federal Reserve, dissolve all FED debts of the United States and institute the National Bank Of The United States of America with its Dollar backed by a whole list of precious and semi-precious metals and minerals.)


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