US demanding big results from Ukraine’s counteroffensive, soon – IOTW Report

US demanding big results from Ukraine’s counteroffensive, soon

RT: US officials are telling their Ukrainian counterparts that Washington’s support for their war effort hinges on the success of the ongoing counteroffensive against Russian forces, Politico reported on Thursday. The offensive has failed so far, with Ukrainian losses counted in the thousands.

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly promised to back Ukraine “for as long as it takes.” However, when Ukrainian officials recently asked the US State Department and National Security Council whether they could count on this support to continue through next year’s election season and a potential change of power in the White House, they were told “let’s see how the counteroffensive goes,” Politico reported.

Ukraine’s former deputy prime minister, Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze, told the US news site that these talks left her feeling anxious about the “continuation of the same level of US support to Ukraine after this financial year,” which ends in September. more

11 Comments on US demanding big results from Ukraine’s counteroffensive, soon

  1. Someone must be seeing dollar signs somewhere in another endless war, but you can bet it’s not the American taxpayer. Nice how Washington is looking out for the American taxpayers and a few generations of their children paying taxes as well.

  2. The Ukraine losses are counted in the hundreds of billions in US taxpayer dollars. The problem DC has is that not enough of that money is being returned to their pockets.

  3. The only winner is the Military Industrial Complex.

    They provide the arms and material for an active War in Ukraine.
    Once the war is over, all military hardware not destroyed will be swept up by Russia. Akin to the Material loss in in Biden’s Afghanistan surrender.

    The Military Industrial complex will work feverously for the next decade replacing, increasing and enhancing war material for the US Military and NATO Countries who have depleted their military material and supplies in Ukraine.

    The losers are Ukraine’s population and the US Taxpayer.

  4. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. US deep state can be counted on only to start the hostilities, not to see them through to a satisfactory conclusion. Certainly the evidence of the last fifty years leads in that direction, with the exception of the heroic liberation of Grenada.

  5. Ukraine isnt even a quarter of the way to where they reach Russia’s first line of defense. Thats the point where the Russians withdraw and Ukraine gets wiped out by pre registered artillery barrages in the Kill Zone … Russians call it the Fire Sack


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