US Embassy In Berlin, Germany, Says It Will Build Statue For Former President Ronald Reagan – IOTW Report

US Embassy In Berlin, Germany, Says It Will Build Statue For Former President Ronald Reagan

Daily Caller: The U.S. Embassy in Berlin plans to unveil a seven-foot tall statue of former President Ronald Reagan on Saturday.

The embassy commissioned the statue after years of hoping Berlin officials would erect one themselves, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

It was Reagan on June 12, 1987, pointing to the symbol of communist oppression known as the Berlin Wall, who demanded that his Soviet counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev remove the edifice. “Mr. Gorbachev,” he said, “tear down this wall.”

It was a historic occasion that incited a massive ovation from the crowd, a seminal moment in his political career.

It would take another two years for the wall to ultimately come down.

Berlin has reportedly ignored all pleas to erect a statue of the late president and suggested it was redundant because the title of honorary citizen of Berlin had been bestowed on Reagan. read more

7 Comments on US Embassy In Berlin, Germany, Says It Will Build Statue For Former President Ronald Reagan

  1. Not to offend but, JFK & Jackie O. had nothing on RON and NANCY.

    By far the most elegant couple to ever occupy the white house.

    I think of Ronald Reagan’s smile, riding a charging horse, and as a young lifeguard. I think of Nancy dancing with Ronnie at the white house and with her hand on his casket saying goodbye.

    True American Icons.

  2. My nephews were born in Ffurt am Mein. JFK angered Berliners by speaking proper German. Berliners speak with a slavic accent. They say “Ish” not “Ick” as he said. Just one of many differences between “proper” German and DDR German. Berlin was in DDR for decades.

    I am, and have been for over 60 years a “Ronny Dem”. Glad to see America’s best President glukwunshe!

  3. Larry the Liberal,

    I don’t think Ronnie was the type to use the secret service to help him bang Joe Dimaggio’s girlfriend.

    one on the greatest things humans can do is admit when they were wrong. Ronald Reagan Left the Democrats. Period


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