US Government Announces $266 Million in New Aid to Afghanistan – IOTW Report

US Government Announces $266 Million in New Aid to Afghanistan

Epoch Times-

The U.S. government has announced more than $266 million in new humanitarian aid for Afghanistan while urging allies to contribute more generously to address the conflict-stricken country’s immediate humanitarian needs.

“This funding will allow our partners to provide lifesaving protection, shelter, livelihoods opportunities, essential health care, emergency food aid, water, sanitation, and hygiene services to respond to the needs generated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” the State Department said in a June 4 release.

The funds will help address protection needs for the most vulnerable Afghans, including “women and girls facing particular risks, including gender-based violence, as a result of the pandemic and decades of conflict.”

The announcement comes as the United States continues to wind down its military presence in Afghanistan to meet the Sept. 11 deadline for a full withdrawal, which has sparked fears of renewed conflict and a Taliban return to power.

Michael Johns, a former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation foreign policy analyst, called for the United States to maintain an active role as a peace broker in the region. more here

15 Comments on US Government Announces $266 Million in New Aid to Afghanistan

  1. Oh, sure, needs more daycares, womens schools, which neither their government nor any Taliban will respect. Better be sure to have that diversity training and gay pride flags too….

  2. Our government needs to be hit over the head with The 1st Rule of Hole’s Cluebat.

    Besides it’s spelled kickbacks, graft and bribes not new aid. I wonder if The Big Guy is still in for 10%.

  3. Biden continues to support Afghanistan terrorists. $266 MIllion? How much for the murderous Palestinians? How much to Iran? Is Cuba and Venezuela on the grid for Biden’s support of communism? Wasting taxpayer money and sending it to people who kill our service men and women.
    Time will tell, if it ever sees the light of day during his reign of anti-transparency.

  4. Why are we giving more of our money to the Afghans? Wasn’t 20 years of our trying to free their country from the Taliban worth enough. And now we give up just like we did in Vietnam, this will not end well. Who’s next to go into this hellhole of a country that swallows up empires, maybe it’ll be the chinks turn next.

  5. If you squint a bit, that pic of the Afghan market seems to be showing a mound of 7.62×39 ammo. Any aid should be tied to them sending all small arms ammo to the U.S. to be distributed to online guns & ammo shops.

    (Wishful thinking. I’m sure that pile is of something else, maybe goat turds.)

  6. Screw that. China has decided to take its turn in Afghanistan. Let them grab that Tarbaby with both hands.

    Sick of us paying Afghani opium farmers to produce the stuff that China turns to fentanyl and sends to America.


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