US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia – IOTW Report

US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia

GP: Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who is critical of Biden’s foreign policy, has reportedly been barred from attending the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia.

According to Russian news outlet TASS, Ritter was prevented from boarding a flight from New York to Istanbul, a layover on his way to Russia.

No further explanation was given. The only information provided was that this action was carried out on orders from the Department of State.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department.’ They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.”

Ritter was not the only American scheduled to attend the forum who will now be absent. Andrew Napolitano, former judge and current host of the Judging Freedom podcast, has also cancelled his trip, though for unrelated reasons, according to Sputnik. more

11 Comments on US Government Seizes Passport of Former US Marine and UN Inspector Scott Ritter — Blocks Him from Attending Event in Russia

  1. By the sounds of the article the regime doesn’t want anyone critical speaking up for the world to hear.
    Some people are claiming Ritter is a traitor because of books and articles he wrote. I’ve not read his stuff.
    No one has proof he has done anything illegal, it seems like another case of the regime not liking the Bill of Rights.

  2. Ritter is a stand up guy…

    But meanwhile –
    consider this (replacing any sphere of interest/issue):

    Are you wondering how to pay off that pesky $100,000 student loan you took out while studying faculty-student sexual liaisons and political practice? Call the Democratic party – Joe will remove your debt as long as you sign a promissory note for future votes and your eternal soul…

    Now happening all over the Ivy League this summer.🎉🕺🤔😎

  3. By what authority was his passport seized? Did the costumed thugs have a warrant or document subpoena? Did Ritter demand to see their documents? Did he fart in their general direction or did they turn him into a newt?

  4. What would the US Government be doing differently if it had declared itself to be an authoritarian oligarchy?

    Okay, probably better border control on the incoming side. Other than that, though….

  5. Our commies are gonna out commie their old time commies. Better dead than red! Kill a commie for mommy! The only good commie’s a dead commie! Free helicopter rides for all commies! How many commies does it take to screw in a light bulb? None! They’re all dead, they don’t need any light! If I have ten friends who are commies how many friends do I have? None! They’re all dead! Did I mention, the proper temperature for commies is ‘room’…. Ha ha, because they’re DEAD, get it?

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