US Holds Arch Terrorists in Syria: Now What? – IOTW Report

US Holds Arch Terrorists in Syria: Now What?


The Trump administration is reportedly debating how to bring to justice two ISIS terrorists responsible for beheading at least 27 hostages, including American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and hideously torturing many more.


Alexanda Kotey, 34, and El Shafee Elsheikh, 29, were captured by Kurdish forces in Syria last month.

The two were part of a notorious four-person cell comprised of British jihadis, all from London, who were dubbed the “Beatles.”

Ringleader Mohammed Emwazi, known as “Jihadi John” before his real identity was known, first appeared in the beheading video of Foley. He was killed by a drone strike in Raqqa, Syria in 2015. Another member of the cell, Aine Davis, is in jail in Turkey facing terror charges.

In the U.S., the question remains how to bring the pair to justice.

Some officials in the Trump administration, including top counterterrorism adviser Thomas P. Bossert favor transferring the two to GITMO (the U.S.’ detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba). Trump recently signed an executive order to keep the facility open. READ MORE

27 Comments on US Holds Arch Terrorists in Syria: Now What?

  1. Why do we have to be so Goddamn fair?
    Set them free in the desert and then kill them with drones.
    Accidentally, of course. Then start an investigation into how it happened. Better yet, a special prosecutor.

  2. Just tell the Kurds to “take care” of them. Unless we think they have valuable intelln. Then tell the Kurds to ask questions and then take care of them. Eitger eay we should be supplying the Kurds with everything they need.

  3. Justice?

    Give them back to the Kurds, they administer Justice.
    Slow Execution by a tribal court consisting of Kurdish women whose husbands were killed by ISIS.

    That’s Justice.

  4. That’s a tough one. How many Gitmo detainees did Obama trade or set free, detainees who would otherwise be rotting in prison right now? Granted, Trump won’t likely do this, but what about the next President?

  5. They were caught in battle so a firing squad is legitimate, but that’s kinda quick. The new Saudi regime could be a great spot for them. Arab justice tends to dismiss the idea of the accused having rights.

  6. Prime candidates for the Voluntary Death Penalty. No way I’d force a death penalty on them.
    Of course, I’d have them tortured 24 hours a day, every single day with no food or sleep until they begged to be put to death. Then, I’d grant them thier wish.

  7. So the U.K. stripped them of citizenship, don’t want them back for fear they’ll radicalize THEIR prison population, yet don’t want us to house them at Gitmo. Got it.

    That the U.K. opened their borders to millions of like minded jihadi’s, as well as allow their own citizens returning from the battlefield back in, disqualifies them as allied partners in good faith on this issue.

    Further, they should pony up all expenses (current/future) we incur to take this trash off their hands.

  8. One to the Kurds, one to the Jordanians. Drown one in a cage dipped in a pool and burn the other alive in a cage. Both on camera. That should appease the Jewish sentiment of an eye for an eye too. Everybody wins.

    Why is this even on our plate?

  9. The Trump administration is reportedly debating how to bring to justice

    Foreigners. Who engaged in acts that may have been illegal — or not — when and where they did them. That may have been illegal — or not — in their own country, for them to do abroad.
    (Not kind of, but just like, Americans hiring “young” hookers while abroad.)

    Abducted by non-state gangs.
    (Just like Mexican cartels.)

    Being held for an “appropriate” payment. Beyond the borders, beyond the territorial waters, beyond even the exclusive economic zones, of The United States.
    (Just like Somali pirates.)

    Justice? How about a free helicopter flight to Waco? The pilot doesn’t even have to know how to land. Make America Great Again.

  10. Next thing I’d like to see about them is, ‘Murder/suicide took place last night. The two terrorists were found dead in their cell. One beheaded and the other hung himself.’

  11. “With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me, it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is more reliable.”—-Alec Guinness as Prince Faisal, “Lawrence of Arabia”

  12. Why is this a topic of debate at this point?
    Seems very indecisive to be have policy that “we’ll figure out what to do with them when we get them”. It should have been decided from the git-go, before we got to this point.

  13. Have the Kurds pretend to be ISIS and rescue them from a US transport team leaving the transport team alive and intact. Let the Kurds deals with them as they see fit. The relatives of the people they butchered should be apprised of their fate when the interrogations are done.

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