US Intelligence Offers Proof The Russians Hacked Our Election – Minus The Proof – IOTW Report

US Intelligence Offers Proof The Russians Hacked Our Election – Minus The Proof

For weeks Obama and the democrats have been crying that Russia hacked our presidential election to help Donald Trump win. They have cited a classified US Intelligence report as proof that Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered his spies to influence the election. Well, that report was sort of declassified today and it is underwhelming to say the least. It has everything except actually proof of anything.  — The rest at Diogenes



10 Comments on US Intelligence Offers Proof The Russians Hacked Our Election – Minus The Proof

  1. OK, am I confused. Someone tell me where I’m wrong. The shit that got hacked was on a Gmail account with the password ” Password”. Am I missing something? Why don’t these sooper spooks have the heads of Google in their secret torcher dungeons getting the truth out of them. Am I alone here or has this thing just gone physco nuts?

  2. All the spy novels I read all these years led me to believe that nations continually spied on each other. Mad Magazine made a comic strip out of it, and I loved it . The Russians ,the Chinees, the Japanese, The Koreans, the Israels, Goldfinger, Doctor No, Spectre, even the Irish Republican Army spied on us. And we spied on them. And we were better spys, except maybe for the Israels .
    But what happened here is that some discruntled Bernie Sanders supporter released emails to show that Killary and company, Podesta et al, fucked Bernie, which they did. But, with the help of the New York Slime, and the WAPO, and ABC,CBS,CNN,<MSNBC, and others, the democrats managed to avoid what was in the leaked Podesta emails and blamed it all on Russia. Can you imagine Putin wanting Trump as President? I can't, and I'm a spy buff, not an anonymous source.
    I'just sayin,' I don't know shit from shinola.


  3. This ginned-up conspiracy allows the Democrat party to give their zombie followers something to concentrate on so they can all hold hands and dance around a shit pile that consists of the content of those emails and pretend like they don’t smell anything.

  4. It is still dumbfounding that the socialists are complaining that FACTS, however (possibly surreptitiously) uncovered, are responsible for HRC’s defeat.

    And that no one in the Media is willing to point out that uncomfortable (inconvenient (?)) truth – as though the voters are not ENTITLED to know the facts about ANY candidate before casting their ballots.

    It wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Being in the medical field I’m having a difficult time reading this article, as I keep feeling compelled to scroll back up to inspect that poor woman’s injury.

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