US Investigators Uncover China’s 6-Year-Long Plot to Launch Biological World War – IOTW Report

US Investigators Uncover China’s 6-Year-Long Plot to Launch Biological World War

Chinese Communist Party preparing biological weapons, experimenting with coronaviruses.

24 Comments on US Investigators Uncover China’s 6-Year-Long Plot to Launch Biological World War

  1. The biggest tell that covid was a Chinese military biological assault? That the dems and the American media condemned anyone who called it the “China Virus” or even the “Wuhan Flu”.

  2. Weird how Japan is getting hit hard by the covid as Olympic preparations are being finalized. Maybe China doesn’t want to risk having their Olympic show being upstaged by the Japanese. They really still hate Japan. My Chinese-born wife says she grew up on a steady diet of Jap-hating.

    I imagine India is also getting slagged pretty bad now by the Chicom propaganda mill. Japan and India are China’s biggest regional threats. Say, isn’t India also getting hit pretty hard by New Covid right now? Hmm…

  3. It was a custom made virus that accidentally got out BEFORE it was ready.
    In other words, just before the ChYneZe pre-vaccinated themselves.

    Trump knew it and eluded to it.

  4. The three contenders to the USA (595,598 deaths) of COVID-19 deaths (and catching up fast), as of yesterday are:

    5/09/2021 Deaths
    India: 242,398 (409,300 Cases, USA: 34,755 cases)
    Brazil:: 421,484 (USA @ 595,598 deaths)
    Mexico: 218,657

  5. Soloman Gomorrah, the jab is the end. Vaccinated people will drop like flies when they get sick the next time. Vaccine will cause their immune systems to go into overdrive and they will die from cytokene storm. Mass deaths incoming this fall and winter. It’s not the “virus” that is the killer, it’s the JAB.

  6. The Communist Chinese are pure evil. There is nothing they won’t do to attain complete control over the entire world. They would kill billions of people to do it and not even blink. They really don’t want to destroy agricultural land and resources because they have value, but to them, people are of no value. A biological attack is the only real option to achieve their aim. Most people can’t begin to fathom what the Chicoms are capable of and foolishly believe that nobody could be that evil. I saw enough with my own two eyes back during the Cold War to grasp what they are capable of and it is beyond what decent people can comprehend.

  7. “And that little sawed of bitch fauci is promoting them!”

    Yea, well, no. The mother fucker financed them with your tax dollars so they could kill your parents.

  8. Lenin once said that a “capitalist would sell him the rope he’d use to hang him (capitalist)” and the demented little dwarf Fauci gave them hundreds of millions of dollars to pursue gain of function for viruses while the LSM says, “Nothing to see here, move along”.
    Glad I’m pushing 70 and I have no grandkids.

  9. Dan Knowles May 9, 2021 at 5:31 pm
    “Pianamusic, do you really believe these numbers?”

    Thanks, was waiting for that question. Now, divide a million into the number of deaths, then get the death percentage. Then subtract from 100% get the survival rate for all ages.

    5/08/2021 Deaths per Million Population:

    USA: 1,790 = 0.179% Died 99.821% Survived
    India: 174 = 0.0174% Died 99.982% Survived
    Brazil: 1,974 = 0.1974% Died 99.803% Survived
    Mexico: 1,681 = 0.181% Died 99.819% Survived

    OR some people just subtract out around 50 to 80% deaths to account for all the assumed inflated death numbers. Still the survival rate is small.

    Probably would have looked similar if they treated the seasonal flu and tracked it like they did the COVID instead of giving yearly estimates. Also their yearly estimates allegedly only counted people who actually showed symptoms of the seasonal flu instead of counting those who tested positive but with no symptoms, like COVID.

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