US Military Could Hit Troops With Court-Martials For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns, Experts Say – IOTW Report

US Military Could Hit Troops With Court-Martials For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns, Experts Say

Daily Caller:

The military could seek to formally punish service members for refusing to use another service member’s preferred pronouns under existing policy, according to military experts.

A 2020 Equal Opportunity law opened the door for commanders to subject someone who refuses to affirm a transgender servicemember’s so-called gender identity to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for charges related to harassment, Capt. Thomas Wheatley, an assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Such a move would likely infringe on a servicemember’s constitutional rights to uphold their conscience, but it might not prevent leaders from employing more subtle ways of disciplining service members. more

18 Comments on US Military Could Hit Troops With Court-Martials For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns, Experts Say

  1. Any Americans left should get the fuck out – NOW!
    There is absolutely no reason to use any pronoun – ever – names are on their chests and ranks are on their sleeves or collars.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. First, Obama forced the combat tested NCOs, Sr. NCOs, Captains, Majors and Lt. Colonels out of the Military. Inexperienced leaders got many killed.

    What more will Biden do the destroy the military combat readiness and effectiveness?
    Recruiting is way down, Pronouns or Military Justice! What’s next from the feckless commander in chief and the worthless Joint chiefs??

    “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was bullshit (but effective).
    Now the transperverts and homoperverts are in you face every day, pushing to be considered normal.
    Truth is they’ll never be normal.

  3. The “me, myself and I” list is actually:

    1st person singular: I me my mine myself
    2nd person singular: you you your yours yourself
    3rd person singular (male): he him his his himself
    3rd person singular (female): she her her hers herself
    3rd person: it it its its itself
    1st person plural: we us our ours ourselves
    2nd person plural: You you your yours yourselves
    3rd person plural: They them their theirs themselves

    …and of course, the all important:

    yous yo yos yos yosef


    “If yous don’t use the right pronoun, I ber puttin’ put a cap in yo ass!”

  4. At the risk of redundancy: the progressive movement exists to increase innocent human suffering misery and death. Always has and always will exist for that ultimate purpose.

  5. We can pinpoint the time when US society truly started to go downhill when kids started getting chewed out by their dumbass moms for playing Smear the Queer.

    Now, even the US Marines are compelled to cater to the whims of every sniveling faggot scumbag in US military. Disgusting. Faggots are filth.


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