US Military Vehicles Left by Joe Biden and Captured by Taliban Spotted Inside Iran – IOTW Report

US Military Vehicles Left by Joe Biden and Captured by Taliban Spotted Inside Iran


[…] It also appears the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did.   There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”


16 Comments on US Military Vehicles Left by Joe Biden and Captured by Taliban Spotted Inside Iran

  1. Obama’s $1.7B Tribute to Iran was just the down payment. That was just to fix the 2016 election, and failed.
    The booty the left in Afghanistan will be divided up between the countries that assisted with the 2020 election fraud. Maybe a down payment for 2022.

  2. This was obviously done on purpose as a backdoor way to fight Israel. Whaddya think the Iran Nuclear Day was invented for? To build a nuclear weapon so they can bomb Israel to smithereens. Even Helen Keller can see that. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. And you know who else knows it? GOD knows it.

  3. Was planned from the beginning. I’m sure it’s a brainchild of that Iranian Whore Jarrett as to how to get past the sanctums and resupply her goat fornicating friends.


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