US personnel chief resigns in wake of massive data breach – IOTW Report

US personnel chief resigns in wake of massive data breach

WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the U.S. government’s personnel office resigned abruptly on Friday, bowing to pressure for her to step down following a massive government data breach on her watch.


Katherine Archuleta, director of the federal Office of Personnel Management, submitted her resignation in person to President Barack Obama, the White House said. She’ll be replaced on a temporary basis by the agency’s deputy director, Beth Cobert, who will step into the role on Saturday.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that Archuleta offered her resignation “of her own volition” and wasn’t forced out. At the same time, he said Americans affected by the breach are still “due additional information” by OPM about what happened and how to protect themselves.  more

12 Comments on US personnel chief resigns in wake of massive data breach

  1. Obama’s government is full of corrupt and inept people, but his and the Left’s goals are to increase the size and power of the government.
    Why doesn’t this story get more coverage? This was a HORRIBLE data breach. For millions. But the media has swept it under the carpet.

  2. Sorry, she was not the ‘head’ of the Office of Personnel Management she was the ass end! What an unmitigated and disastrous incompetent minority choice made by a disastrous and incompetent minority ass wipe and confirmed by a disastrous and incompetent, Republican Senate majority! The filth and stink of this administration and congress runs deep and infects everything just like the pungent and lingering odor of a skunk!

  3. Would love to see her resume up against those she was hired ahead of. She probably wouldn’t even know how to turn on a game of PONG yet there she was in charge of all that data.

  4. Obola can only find incompetent women to fill these spots?
    Surely there are some incompetent men out there, as well?
    Like Jeh Johnson, ferinstance.

    Should be scads of under-employed Affirmative Action maggots out there who could head up some worthless Gov’t Agency.

  5. Obama’s trademark: When they screw up, they apologize, resign and nothing happens. I think there should be some bloodletting, if not by them, then by Obama. What a worthless 8 years this will have been. Thanks to all your maroons for giving us this administration.

  6. Another affirmative action appointee… Should have just placed a head of arugula in this person’s place… A leafy, mindless vegetable would have been as effective.

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