US records first two CHILD monkeypox cases: CA toddler and an infant in D.C. were likely infected by ‘household contacts’ – IOTW Report

US records first two CHILD monkeypox cases: CA toddler and an infant in D.C. were likely infected by ‘household contacts’

and both had contact with gay or bisexual men, CDC chief says.

10 Comments on US records first two CHILD monkeypox cases: CA toddler and an infant in D.C. were likely infected by ‘household contacts’

  1. Those children were raped by the household reprobate degenerates and doctors/hospitals have a legal obligation to report the std-type monkeypox to law enforcement and childrens services. Add that recently NYC mayor and Biden bff (Uncle) Eric Adams video claims that NYC’s tap water is “clean” and refreshing which is a blatant lie. Six cancer-causing chemicals are found in that filthy tap water, long known as “mountain fresh” to promote the vile dump. Add also Adams’ lie is for the purposes of NYC citizens to drink the polluted stuff and not bottled water since it’s highly likely the tap water has been adulterated-weaponized with both monkeypox and covid, which is also found in that city’s waste water. All for the purposes of infecting residents to push the bogus vaccines for both diseases, and then untimely and unexpected death/depopulation for victims of the scheme.

  2. The children should be removed from those homo homes immediately.
    Another disease that started with monkeys in Africa.
    Notice they avoid saying how aids and monkey pox jumped from monkey to human?
    These people are being imported into ME every week by about 300 every week.
    God help us.

  3. Years ago DC had a problem of children with syphilis – and the press insisted there was no pedophilia – just a bad habit of LIPs sleeping in the same bed with their toddlers. The issue quietly disappeared from the pages of the Post.

    The media is a suppressor of facts – a distributor of lies.
    It is THE propaganda arm of totalitarianism – and has been for quite a while.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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