US repeals meat labeling law after trade rulings against it – IOTW Report

US repeals meat labeling law after trade rulings against it

VID: Frozen Meat From The 1970s Sold In Chinese Restaurants

IHateTheMedia: Want to know where your meat comes from? Those days are over. Thanks to Congress you now have the luxury of going to the grocery store and not knowing where your meat comes from. Mad cow meat from Brazil? Meat raised and processed in disgusting conditions and fed who know’s what from China? No problemo!

We wonder how many people will have to get sick or die before this changes? Us? We’re finding a local butcher who gets his meat from local stock. We may even say screw it to eating at restaurants.

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24 Comments on US repeals meat labeling law after trade rulings against it

  1. Time to start buying ‘on the hoof,’ because the packaged stuff could literally be anything from anywhere.

    If you didn’t slaughter and butcher the animal yourself, you are going to have no clue what you are eating.

    I guess I am going to need a bigger freezer.

    Thanks, Congress, you treasonous, corporate-whore, assholes.

  2. Tom Sullivan covered this on his radio program last week. Judging by the responses he was getting, people are pissed, and it would be a good time to open a local butcher shop. More NWO bull shit.

  3. Thanks a lot you fucktards. Now I suppose bison will be even harder to come by for a decent price with all the liberals flooding the market because of their own doing spooking the beef market. Sheesh, ruin everything! Evvvverrrrything!!!!! Bison on the way out in 5 years. Everything! Liberal translation: airy-thang.

  4. A couple things I really like about Whole Foods is they try and buy local to the store and often they will label the name of the ranch where the meat came from right on the display case.

  5. Have a local butcher shop that has the best of the best beef, chicken, pork. The prime rib I bought for Christmas dinner was delicious!

    As for fish, don’t buy anything marked “farm raised” or “north Atlantic”. That means farm raised fish and you may as well eat a bowl of fat.

  6. Thus, the Subway Cold Cut Combo offers the hungry fast fooder the alluring option of not having to choose a particular type of cold meat, but rather they can have all three on offer. The sandwich consists of ham, salami and bologna together with some greens.

    This sounds ideal for a nice wholesome on-the-go meal with plenty of taste and choice. Until you read the fine print that is. The cold cuts in the Cold Cut Combo are listed as all “turkey based meats.”

    In other words they are turkey meat that has been ground up, mixed with a bit of the associated meat and reconstituted into what looks like, and mostly tastes like, the associated meat. But most of it is turkey.

    However, this should not be too alarming since, for instance, salami itself is a seasoned sausage made up of ground beef and other ingredients. Although salami can also be made from pork, there is certainly no reason why it could not be made from turkey.

    At least Subway is telling you that your cold cuts are actually turkey. Others may be doing the same thing without disclosing the truth!

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