US retail companies demand action against organized smash-and-grab crime rings – IOTW Report

US retail companies demand action against organized smash-and-grab crime rings

PM: In a letter addressed to Senate and House leaders on Thursday, the Retail Industry Leaders Association urged Congress to pass legislation protecting buyers from illicit products being sold online either as counterfeits, or being sold after being stolen from stores.

“Leading retailers are concerned about the growing impact organized retail crime is having on the communities we proudly serve, which is why we strongly support the bipartisan and bicameral Integrity, Notification and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act,” the letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Mitch McConnell. more

25 Comments on US retail companies demand action against organized smash-and-grab crime rings

  1. They should hire all the vets kicked out of the military for not getting the clot shot.

    Place a sign in the window “Premises protected by armed former military” along with a sign stating “DANGER armed Claymores deployed”

  2. Oh fuck that. That’s closing the barn door after the mules went walking.

    All ya gotta do is have the DOJ forcefully put the criminals on notice that deadly force used to protect private property will not be prosecuted and any local jurisdiction that does so will be enjoined from proceeding.

    Of course that’s never gonna happen.

    This is yet ANOTHER fucking example of government creating a problem and then making it worse and worse with more bullshit “solutions”

    Frank Rizzo and Richard Daly said looters will be shot. Take a fucking guess how many were.

  3. I’m all for signs saying, “Store security authorized to use force to prevent theft.”

    Additionally, if I’m in Congress, I would tell the Retail Industry Leaders Association that we will act to prevent the online sale of stolen items once the “Industry” donates twice as much to police departments as it did to BLM.

  4. Back during the DC riots Gov. Agnew told the Guard to shoot to kill if they (rioters) crossed into Maryland. The word got out. A machine gun nest was put up on the roof of Strick’s and the rioters did NOT cross into Maryland – they turned.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. No. As Chuck Fina suggested above, large retail chains will use this act as an additional barrier to entry for small, independent retailers. We already have laws against retail theft, looting, vandalism, burglary, robbery, embezzlement, etc., and these laws should be enforced instead of the current loony policies of allowing certain segments of the population to loot at will. If our current laws are insufficient to stop the wide-spread looting we see almost nightly on some of the news outlets, additional laws will add nothing except to act as a hammer to punish smaller retailers.

    Big retail chains need to have some balls and use some common sense. We need police protection in cities. We need to have criminals prosecuted. We need to enforce existing laws. We need to have the right to self-help and self defense. And the skin color of any perpetrators needs to be ignored – not used to condone illegal activity. But too many stores like Walgreens and Target (who are ironically becoming a target) prefer to cater to the woke crowd to the detriment of their own interests.

  6. Big Corp. Retailers -Another protected class of leftist redundancy. Creating a taxpayer money pit and non-solutions.
    Just arrest criminals and make it difficult for them to commit crimes.
    Too simple for elite grifters.

  7. @ Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk DECEMBER 14, 2021 AT 4:55 PM

    “large retail chains will use this act as an additional barrier to entry for small, independent retailers”

    Absolutely they will. This is not conjecture, they are a known commodity and are simply never to be trusted

  8. Well, dear retailers, rather than bitch about the sale of your goods once stolen, try fixing the problem yourselves: stop the thriving. How you say in you woke clouded head? Use what you already have in place: close most/all of your doors and use entry control, such as bag checks, if not metal detectors. Or stop your consumeristic avarice, and have a front desk and bring preordered and paid merchandise to the customer.

    Or try a Second Amendment tact, if you’re really determined… But I forgot, you’re a bunch of woke eunuchs.

  9. The smash and grab crews aren’t the real problem. The politicians that enable them are the problem. Begging the people that purposely created the problem for a solution, instead of dangling a few enabling politicians from lamp posts isn’t gong to help.

  10. One needs to read the very long list of complaining retailers who donate to these domestic terrorists then boo-hoo over the planned thievery as a way to make themselves look good and appear civilized, not to mention they’ve lost much online biz and physical foot traffic. CVS and Walgreens are just two of those who support and donate to blm and other societal rejects including contributors such as adidas, nike, north face, champion, skechers, mcdonalds, wendys, burger king, llbean, abercrombie & fitch, ben and jerry, levi strauss, at&t, verizon, and numerous others on that long list.


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