US senator calls for probe into Ukraine aid – IOTW Report

US senator calls for probe into Ukraine aid

US Senator Marco Rubio has demanded a comprehensive review of the aid provided by Washington to Ukraine, amid concerns that the Pentagon is failing to accurately estimate its real value.

In a letter released on Monday, Rubio chided the administration of US President Joe Biden for a recent $3 billion accounting “error” in the Pentagon which meant the value of equipment sent to Ukraine was supposedly overestimated.

However, according to the Florida senator, the opposite may actually be true as the Pentagon “appears now to be using the depreciated value of the equipment.” 

To rectify the issue, Rubio has requested that the Government Accountability Office conduct a full review of all equipment provided to Ukraine since the start of the conflict with Russia more than one year ago.

“This will ensure US taxpayers are not footing an even larger bill to replace the equipment needed to defend the US and its interests,” the senator stated. more

12 Comments on US senator calls for probe into Ukraine aid

  1. Mitch has been protecting Hunter for years! Mitch will not let this go to vote! For those with very short memories, BUSH REPUBLICANS PROTECted CLINTON 7 YEARS AGO; THE WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT HIuNTER; AS THEY HAVE FOR YEARS!

  2. Every now and then pseudo conservatives have to pop up and be noticed doing something “conservative” to maintain that part of their base.

    What took the idiot so long?

  3. Why don’t they give the $3 Billion back to us? And where are the documents following the money? Are they classified, or do they just have classified markings?

    FJB – and all who control the bastard

  4. Republicans love to be in the minority where they can posture and yak and scream and say that “we have to” to this and that and investigate, and “call for” stuff that will go nowhere, all while asking for money.


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