US Supreme Court refuses to review terrorism convictions of Muslim who plotted to behead Pamela Geller – IOTW Report

US Supreme Court refuses to review terrorism convictions of Muslim who plotted to behead Pamela Geller

Geller Report: The Supreme Court was unequivocal. And that’s striking. Because today you don’t know how these things will go. And his defense team pulled out every card. They played the race card and everything else they could play. But in this instance, justice prevailed.

Not only did Daoud Wright target me for a brutal, cruel and violent death, but there has been no indication that he has given up these beliefs, and they are only being reinforced while he is in prison, due to a prison system that is rife with jihad recruitment that prison officials are unable or unwilling to do anything about. There is no indication that once he is released from prison at any time in the future, that he would not resume his quest to kill me. He should have been given, as I requested, the sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. read more

10 Comments on US Supreme Court refuses to review terrorism convictions of Muslim who plotted to behead Pamela Geller

  1. When it’s time for this reprobate’s release, meet him at the gate.
    Then make him “disappear”.
    No muss, no fuss, no future threats.

  2. Ya’ know.

    Whatever you might think about Pam you gotta admit she has more balls than most men.

    She never backs down from Islam, no matter how or how often they try to kill her for it.

  3. “The defense team pulled out every card.” They didn’t try the “too-low-IQ-to-convict” ploy, did they? Because I hear that can be very successful.


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