US to Commemorate 75th Anniversary of WWII Battle of Bulge – IOTW Report

US to Commemorate 75th Anniversary of WWII Battle of Bulge

Daily Signal:

A parade was scheduled for the morning of Saturday, Dec. 16, 1944, for members of 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division in Diekirch, a small town in Luxembourg.

The division had been sent to the area for some welcome rest and refit after continuous fighting in the months since the D-Day invasion in June of that year.

First Lt. James Christy remembered the day.

“We did know that there had been rumblings of enemy artillery and that our battalion motor pool had been hit some time in the wee hours of the morning.  Nevertheless, Company B fell out for the parade about 0800,” he recalled, adding:

I was in charge, since the company commanding officer had been called to report to battalion headquarters. We soon got the word to forget the parade and get ready for action with full combat gear.

What Christy was hearing were the opening shots of the Battle of the Bulge, Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler’s attempt to make a breakthrough in the Ardennes Forest in the closing months of World War II.  more

8 Comments on US to Commemorate 75th Anniversary of WWII Battle of Bulge

  1. …the President can also commemerate it by sending a communique to Nancy Pelosi:

    …’To The Democrat Commander: NUTS!’
    -The American President

    …I think its appropriate, considering that they NEED him to surrender for their strategy to work, they THINK they have him surrounded but they’re about to get the shock of their lives, and Hitler’s evil would be NOTHING compared to what unfettered Democrats would loose upon the world…

  2. Two of my uncles were caught up in that battle. One, a combat engineer who went ashore at Omaha on June 7, wound up on the N side of the Bulge. He said only that he and his driver were driving down a ridge in their jeep as he called in artillery fire on Pieper’s tanks who were shooting at them. He also told me he saw the death camps in that sector and that it took him over 20 years to get over his white hot hatred of Germans. The other wound up serving under Patton on the S side of the Bulge. He survived that battle by luck and having rolled under a 6 by in his sleeping bag to get out of the wind. He had rolled up against the wheels. The next morning he discovered that all the other guys in his unit had been killed by bayonet and knife by German infiltrators. The only other story he told me was of how good our quad 50 gunners were. They were support for the troops who had crossed the Rhine in the morning. A flight of P-51s had flown over them on their way to a sortie before the crossing. One of the returning ’51s lined up for a strafing run on our guys who, by then, were across the river. They shot him down with quad 50s before he could line up for his run. He’d assumed he was looking at Germans. Somehow, that pilot wasn’t killed in the shoot down.

    AMAZING MEN – ALL of them!!

  3. forcibly deranged…my dad was also a combat engineer and at one point was driving a gas truck while being shot at. If you know your uncles battalion you can find after action reports on-line. Very informative. It’s real history by those who were there.

  4. The more history is known, the better the past is understood. Speaking the truth is not usually welcome, but it does not diminish the bravery and the survival of military veterans. However, the truth can reveal the treachery of those in positions of power that caused so much suffering for all the victims of war.

    Gen. Patton Exposes The Allied Conspiracy To Extend WW2 & Give Eastern Europeans To Stalin, Suddenly Patton Dies Burying The Real Holocaust
    Date: December 13, 2017

    “By August 31, 1944, Patton had put Falaise behind and quickly advanced his tanks to the Meuse River, only 63 miles from the German border and 140 miles from the Rhine River. The German army Patton was chasing was disorganized and in disarray; nothing could stop Patton from roaring into Germany. However, on August 31, the Third Army’s gasoline allotment was suddenly cut by 140,000 gallons per day. This was a huge chunk of the 350,000 to 400,000 gallons per day the Third Army had been consuming. Patton’s advance was halted even though the way ahead was open and largely undefended by the German army in retreat.”

    “Germany took advantage of the overall Allied slowdown and reorganized her troops into a major fighting force. Germany’s counterattack in the Battle of the Bulge took Allied forces completely by surprise. The Germans created a “bulge” in the lax American line, and the Allies ran the risk of being cut off and possibly annihilated or thrown back into the sea. Patton had to pull back his Third Army in the east and begin another full scale attack on the southern flank of the German forces. Patton’s troops arrived in a matter of days and were the crucial factor in pushing the German bulge back into Germany.[9]”

    “Patton was enthused after the Battle of the Bulge and wanted to quickly take his Third Army into the heart of Germany. The German army had no more reserves and was definitely on its last legs. However, once again Patton was held back by Gen Eisenhower and the Joint Chiefs of Staff led by Gen. Marshall. Patton was dumbfounded. Patton wrote:

    “I’ll be damned if I see why we have divisions if not to use them. One would think people would like to win a war…we will be criticized by history, and rightly so, for having sat still so long.”[10]”

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