US Trolls Maduro – IOTW Report

US Trolls Maduro

American Thinker: Just as Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolas Maduro, began to chomp down the lunch at the inauguration of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexico City Saturday, the U.S. embassy in Caracas tweeted a little offer to the starving socialist dictatorship:

Translation: The U.S. is ready to offer emergency food and medical assistance to the people of Venezuela, if only the government of Maduro will accept it. Our sanctions allow it.
It’s an offer that will force Maduro to change his diapers.

Food. Tankers and tankers of food, delicious healthy food, and mountains and mountains of it, standing there at the ready offshore to offload to Venezuela’s starving people, all for free. The U.S. in fact, is just dying to give it away to them. Mountains and mountains and mountains of free food in a nation where locals are starving and the president is pigging out.

The embassy’s offeratory tweet is a brilliant move (do I detect the hand of Mauricio Claver-Carone who was recently named President Trump’s Latin American policy chief?) that’s sure to mess with Maduro’s mind. After all, what kind of monster turns down food when his people are starving?

The tweet features an oil tanker, which is normally used to transport vast oil quantities, but sizewise, could theoretically hold a lot of food. A Suezmax, which is the largest of all tankers, can hold up to a million barrels of oil, or 200,000 tons of stuff. A Panamax, which has Panama in its name and is suggestive of crossing the nearby Panama canal, can hold up to 500,000 barrels of oil, or 70,000 deadweight tons of, I guess theortically, anything. That represents a lot of food, too.

And guess what? Maduro is not going to take it. He never takes it. He’s still in denial that his country is in crisis, despite the millions of refugees fleeing his socialist paradise and showing up on the streets of every major city in Latin America as well as Miami and Madrid.  more here

5 Comments on US Trolls Maduro

  1. Hey Maduro you idiot, all those people flooding out over the border aren’t going on vacation.

    Oh and a tip for those throwing the foodfest for Mexico’s new El Presidente, keep an I on Maduro, he’ll stuff his pockets with dinner rolls.

  2. I guess this means the people there tossing dumps for scraps to eat have their smartphone in their other hand just like the people chatting in Starbucks here do?

    Wow, we’re not that much different after all!


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