US women soccer players agree to $24m equal-pay settlement – IOTW Report

US women soccer players agree to $24m equal-pay settlement

Yahoo!- US women have agreed a $24 million (£17.8m) settlement to end a six-year, equal-pay legal battle with their own federation.

The defending world champions had been in a long-term dispute with the United States Soccer Federation over discrepancies in earnings between them and the men’s team, including receiving smaller World Cup bonuses despite winning the tournament on four separate occasions.

However, on Tuesday the fight finally came to a conclusion when they settled for a $22m lump-sum payment – a third of the amount they originally sought in damages. That money will be split between the players, with the USSF also agreeing to commit a further $2m to post-career and charitable endeavours. Players will be able to claim up to $50,000 (£37,000). The settlement was dependent on the players reaching a collective bargaining agreement with the federation. more

25 Comments on US women soccer players agree to $24m equal-pay settlement

  1. For a “sport” full of predominantly man like, talentles, lesbians that nobody watches, except for a few wnba lesbian fans and a handful of Jr. HS girls soccer players.
    I’ll go out on a limb and guess that their corporate sponsorships are a 1/4 of what men’s soccer gets.

    Yeah, this is going to be great.

  2. I wonder if the league could have avoided this whole mess by using the same pay formula for both men and women, a formula based on viewers and advertising revenue.

    “See? We’re treating both men’s and women’s leagues the exact same way! What’s the problem?”

  3. What’s all this “men’s” and “women’s” stuff? You might hurt somebody’s feelings. One league (to rule them all…) Let their play time and employment be based solely on skill.

    Eff ’em (if you dare)


  4. Another protected class of the left receiving welfare. Women’s soccer is not popular, and the market doesn’t support it enough to make a large profit. Makes no difference, the left will prop up these wickedly woke, weak womzn enterprises anyway.

  5. A goal for the US Women’s Soccer Team is to beat the Canadian Women’s Olympic Hockey team in the number of admitted lesbians on their roster. The Canadians had 7 lesbians on their team.

    Let’s Go US Women’s Soccer Team…you have been challenged…you can do it! I’m cheerin’ for ya!


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