USA Swimming changes rules for transgender athletes putting Lia Thomas’ career in question – IOTW Report

USA Swimming changes rules for transgender athletes putting Lia Thomas’ career in question

PM: On Tuesday, USA Swimming, the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming in the United States, released its Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity and Eligibility Policy, which updated its rules in regards to transgender athletes.

USA Swimming said that “the elite athlete policy will be implemented by a decision-making panel comprised of three independent medical experts and eligibility criteria” that will will consist of two evidence-based requirements. more here

31 Comments on USA Swimming changes rules for transgender athletes putting Lia Thomas’ career in question

  1. It doesn’t matter what your testosterone level is, or anything else for that matter, except for this:

    If you have two X chromosomes, you’re female.
    If you have an X and a Y, you’re male.
    It’s really that simpleĀ¹.

    If some male is so fscked up in the head that he wants to “transition” to the role of a female, I won’t interfere outside of commenting loudly that he ought to see a shrink. But no, he doesn’t get to compete athletically with females. Period, full stop.

    1. Yes, there are some exceptions, but they are rare and easily handled ad hoc.

  2. After high school, I worked with an old man who grew up with Babe Didrickson. He said she was faster, stronger and tougher than any boy in the neighborhood. She went on to be one of the most legendary women athletes of all time. She was gay but tried to hide that by getting married. It was a different time, you see. A better time! She is laid to rest about 100 yards from my parents.

  3. :draws horizontal line across black board. Draws vertical line to bisect the first line….in half. Writes “GUYS” on the left hand side. draws three roman numeral 1’s underneath.:

    :Contemplates other side of board for a moment, shrugs, writes “EVERYONE ELSE” leaves that side blank. Turns around:

    “Let’s see how this plays out.”

  4. I keep waiting to see what will happen if an entire girl’s/women’s team in any sport is made up completely of trannies (because they won their tryouts, of course). No biological females on a female team…I guess more than a few records will be set and the women who originally earned them erased from the lists…

  5. I can’t imagine being so desperate for a win or attention that you pretend to be female.
    He was a loser competing against men so grew his hair and said, “I am woman!”.
    You are something, but not woman.

  6. Just a few years ago, this kind of deviant behavior would have guaranteed a long stay in a mental institution. Now, we are all being subjected to this manā€™s madness, because the servile idiots in charge of college athletic competition canā€™t compete with transgender stupidity.

  7. Junk in the trunk, oops my stuff popped out. Need moe duck tape. Nor a woman or man, just what am I? An it? A man w/boobs. But should not be allowed in women’s sports with his junk still attached.

  8. Either this guy is seriously mentally ill or is pulling a massive grift on college athletics, showing them how moronic they are for allowing males to compete in girl sports, nullifying Title Nine.

  9. Evidence that the prior physical development of the athlete as a male, as mitigated by any medical intervention, does not give the athlete a competitive advantage over the athlete’s cisgender female competitors.

    So, we must expect “Evidence that the prior physical development of the athlete as a female, as mitigated by any medical intervention, does not give the athlete a competitive advantage over the athlete’s cisgender female competitors.”?

    Or is this just more hysterical screeching princess cowsh!t?

  10. When you want to win really bad but can’t because your not the best as a man you say you’re a woman so you can win a few. Who cares about women anyways? Not this guy, he’s willing to crush the dreams of real women with his unfair advantage of being a biological man. He’s a sick pervert who only cares about his own spoiled feelings. A real woman would have compassion being as real women are more compassionate and caring about the feelings of others and understanding of their needs. That’s why women are mothers. Mother’s know how to nurture and comfort their children often at great personal sacrifice. And the ignorant fools who let him get this far are worse than he is!

  11. @Not me February 3, 2022 at 11:52 am

    > Thatā€™s why women are mothers. Motherā€™s know how to nurture and comfort their children often at great personal sacrifice.

    You talk up motherhood. You commend mother’s for their “sacrifice”.

    Yet you describe it as a “personal” sacrifice. That they’ve been wronged. Personally.

    Lesbians, harridans, and harlots are not “wronged” by such “personal sacrifice”. They are wronged by not being gifted cash and prizes. That they “deserve”. For being lesbians, harridans, and harlots.

    Both at the same time? I had no idea math was that hard.

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