USA Today fact checks The Babylon Bee’s “claim” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death was overturned by 9th circuit court – IOTW Report

USA Today fact checks The Babylon Bee’s “claim” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death was overturned by 9th circuit court

Not The Bee: USA Today embarrassed themselves earlier when they fact-checked a ridiculous, over-the-top Babylon Bee story that nobody—not a single person—believed to be true. Here is the satirical story from The Bee that so-called journalists at a real news outlet somehow felt the need to debunk. MORE

21 Comments on USA Today fact checks The Babylon Bee’s “claim” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death was overturned by 9th circuit court

  1. USA Today is delivered FREE to my doorstep when I’m out and about. Maybe I SHOULD ASK THE HOTELS FOR A REFUND FOR MY EFFORT TO CLEAN MY DOORSTEP!

    USA is clearly DUMB. – Brian, Jake and Wolf at CNN did this a few times last year, and this year. Got creamed each time!

  2. I have a dear friend who never fails to crack me up. It is a visceral reaction that I need to keep me sane. He never fails to shine the joy of living in my life.

    To live without humor would be a death sentence to me. I pity the poor souls who live without it. No wonder they are so miserable that they have to spread their misery to the rest of us.

    But I won’t succumb!

  3. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 AT 10:44 AM
    “Wait… they didn’t? Here i was sure we’d have the first zombie justice of the Supreme Court”

    ….seems legit for a rotting Ginsberg to be there for the donkeys, because most of their VOTERS are dead, plus it makes sense for the corrupt to represent the corrupt, whether that corruption is physical or spiritual…


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