USAID Asking Afghan Vets To Help Get Soros People Out Of Afghanistan – IOTW Report

USAID Asking Afghan Vets To Help Get Soros People Out Of Afghanistan

USAID is a scam.

It is ironic that Soros, who worked so hard to get rid of President Trump last November, is now asking MAGA veterans for help with the sh*t hits the fan. more

13 Comments on USAID Asking Afghan Vets To Help Get Soros People Out Of Afghanistan

  1. If true, then at least we know Soros isn’t pulling Biden’s strings. Kamala’s, maybe. I get the idea that there is discord among the elites. Didn’t Soros recently throw serious shade at Xi Jin Ping and China? And isn’t China about to take the reins in Afghanistan? Interesting times. Looks like we weren’t the only ones shocked by events.

  2. He’s rich. Hire someone.
    He’s hired thousands of politicians around the country. He can certainly find someone to hire to rescue his people.

    Thirdtwin, I think Obama is Biden’s puppet master.
    Soros is buying AGs and judges.

  3. he should take gates, fauci, biden, harris, and their evil cousin klaus, and go reason with them. Take donuts, that seems to work for some things.
    hell, miley said things went just as planned- he should be happy. He should just call uber and go. When the taliban finds out who they are, and what they did/do, even vince from sham-wow won’t be of use to him.

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