USAID suspends food to Ethiopia after investigation found it was being sold or diverted – IOTW Report

USAID suspends food to Ethiopia after investigation found it was being sold or diverted

Probably by USAID itself. Just sayin’.

Just The News: The U.S. Agency for International Development is suspending food aid to Ethiopia after a probe discovered that the donated food was being stolen as part of a widespread scheme, the federal agency announced Thursday in a decision that will impact millions of people.

The scheme appeared to be coordinated by parts of both the federal and regional governments in Ethiopia, according to documents reviewed by The Washington Post.

Officials have been taking aid from those in need to give it to military members and ex-combatants as well as selling it to millers, who have been taking the flour and reexporting it, the USAID probe found.  more

15 Comments on USAID suspends food to Ethiopia after investigation found it was being sold or diverted

  1. [USAID] is suspending food aid to Ethiopia after a probe discovered that the donated food was being stolen as part of a widespread scheme, the federal agency announced Thursday in a decision that will impact millions of people.

    No, it isn’t the USAID suspension that will impact millions of people. It is the despicable actions of corruptocrats and their cronies that have impacted those millions, especially those who have starved and are dead or permanently damaged.

    Crooks who steal famine relief food should be locked up and fed a diet of $1 bills: they love their money so much let them see how long it keeps them alive when that’s all they have to eat.

  2. Back in the 80’s, when we had Sally Struthers crying at us every night telling how we MUST feed Ethiopia, the US government had satellite footage showing USAID shipments being off-loaded on the docks, Soviet ships behind them off-loading weapons, then the same food stocks being loaded on to the same Soviet ships to pay for the weapons. This is not new.

    Foreign Aid is not provided for by the Constitution. It is graft. Power comes from a) the barrel of a gun, or b) from money. Our elites have been scouring the world looking for places to send our money in order to reduce our political power. All the while taking 10-30% for themselves. Look how many children of the elite run NGOs.

  3. Time for Africa to finally sink or swim using its own energy, output and devices! No more aid! Well maybe we can send all the Africans here back to Africa so they can lead the way to a new and glorious renewal of that continent!

  4. The diverting of food by Government Bureaucrats to enrich themselves?

    Isn’t that like the Biden Administration diverting 100s of $Billions of US tax dollars for purposes other than the congressionally approved needs of Americans. How many $Millions has the Biden Crime Syndicate received from Ukraine and those who support them?

    US Tax Dollars have killed 10s of Thousands in Ukraine, now, USAID diverting food from Ethiopians does the same.

    Government is greed and corruption, taking from the many to give to the few.

  5. I remember putting coins in a box for Ethiopian food aid in catechism class, when I was like 8, scores of years ago.

    Apparently giving money to the people who caused the problem you are giving the money for doesn’t work, no matter HOW long you do it.

  6. I’m sure there’s some cynical jokes about that. Remember all the jokes that come out during the Bangladesh famine? Remember “We are the World” concerts put on by the Beatles and others? Money went into pockets and not for the poor.

  7. In other words, the big guy was not getting his 10%. Zelenskyy is taking care of that and that is why he is being sent tax revenue that won’t be raised until 2039.

  8. For all the trillions American taxpayers have shelled out on behalf of government aid programs, I’m going out on a limb to say little of it EVER reaches who it’s meant to reach.

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