USC Student Acquitted of Rape; May Still Face Campus Discipline – IOTW Report

USC Student Acquitted of Rape; May Still Face Campus Discipline

Breitbart- Last week, after reviewing evidence from security footage, a California judge dropped charges against University of Southern California (USC) student Armaan Premjee, 20, after finding that his female accuser was the party that initiated the sexual encounter.

However, under USC’s Title IX, Premjee could still face campus discipline because the woman he slept with was inebriated and did not give formal verbal consent.

USC’s rules state, “Consent must be affirmative. ‘Affirmative consent’ means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is positive cooperation in act and attitude made with knowledge and agreement to the nature of the act.” It adds, “It is the responsibility of each person involved to ensure they have the affirmative consent of the other(s) to engage in sexual activity. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout the sexual activity and can be revoked at any time.” read more

15 Comments on USC Student Acquitted of Rape; May Still Face Campus Discipline

  1. Why not just make part of the new male students orientation kit a breathalyzer? Change the rules to require the male administer a breathalyzer test at various points in the the encounter and record the results. If she blows greater then .08 then the dates over. Imagine the fun!


    I’m sure they have NOTHING to say about gay sex no matter the situation. Even though they knowingly pass disease back and forth to each other.

  3. I’m waiting for the day when it becomes a law in California that if a female gives consent for sex at night, but wakes up in the morning with regret, sexual assault / rape charges can still be filed.

    This is all the hard work of butt ugly feminists that couldn’t get a man, butch dyke or a vibrator to give them the time of day. If any feminist doubts this, we had a 99.9% ugly (inside and out) feminist in our work area with all the bullshit. Then somewhere, Moses parted the Red Sea again and this woman actually got herself a boyfriend. Now she’s 1/2 the feminist she used to be.

  4. That is the entire point of feminism: women are helpless creatures who are not responsible for their own actions.

    Was the guy intoxicated when the woman made her advances? So intoxicated guys are held accountable for their actions but intoxicated women are not? And doesn’t the fact that she made the first move more than suggest consent?

  5. Super Patriot — you raise an interesting question. Since the man is held responsible when both are inebriated, what happens when they are both gay men? Can either one be held accountable for the other’s inability to consent due to inebriation?

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