Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion – IOTW Report

Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion


Acouple of weeks ago, I was invited to speak to Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa about climate change and the potential threat that climate alarmism poses to the objectives of pro-lifers. The title of the event is “Why global warming alarmism is a threat to unborn children… and the pro-life movement.”

In preparation for the event, I researched whether climate activist groups had anything to say about abortion and were surprised to see they do indeed. While their position is usually cloaked in supposed respect for woman’s rights, many of these groups strongly support abortion, and it is clear that their drive for de-population is a major reason for it. For example, in his Feb 6, 2017 interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Michael Brune, then Sierra Club Executive Director, was asked:

Sierra Club Spends Millions on Pro-abortion Propaganda

“Last year on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, you all issued a press release saying that the Sierra Club stands in solidarity with [the pro-abortion] Planned Parenthood…Why does legal abortion make the environment better?”

Brune answered with the usual justification about believing in empowering women, etc.

So Carlson asked again:

“What does that do with the environment? Like how specifically does more abortion or legal abortion help the environment?”

Brune finally admitted:

“Well, it helps to address the number of people that we have on this planet. We feel that one of the ways in which we can get to a sustainable population is to empower women to make choices about their own families.”


12 Comments on Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion

  1. It’s not just abortion – there is also homosex, transgenderism, food scarcity, suppression of mobility, denigration of family values, suicide promotion, fear mongering, atheism, crazy people that go into schools and kill kids. All schemes to reduce the world population.

  2. How’dja like to be these Heathens on judgement day? Hopefully there’ll be a boatload of them in front of me so Saint Peter will think I wasn’t so bad after all, maybe cut me some slack. If that plan doesn’t work I’m gonna cut in line, sneak in behind Hillary or Bill.

  3. When will we all just admit that the power elite want to thin the herd so as to ensure they and their ilk aren’t inconvenienced in their daily lives? Their talk is just used to lull the brain-dead masses into submission. They don’t give two shits about ANY of the causes they champion. They are bottomless pits of wants and needs, and they will do ANYTHING to fulfill said desires. There is but one solution to this. Until that thought is entertained, we plebes are just screaming at the sky….or worse pissin’ in the wind.

  4. @ Left Coast Dan:

    Maybe government should just let people make their own damn decisions.

    Heretic! Traitor! You’re a WITCH! BURN HIM!

    Actually, I couldn’t possibly agree with you more completely. So, burn me too.

  5. Anything to weaken America by tearing up American standards and institutions and the next generation. Their logo should be a picture of Nancy Pelosi tearing up Donald Trumps speech!!


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