Using the National Guard like disposable props – IOTW Report

Using the National Guard like disposable props

Patriot Retort:

Someone, I’m not sure who, once said, “You don’t pay a woman for sex; you pay her to leave afterward.” Whoever said it must’ve been a Democrat. Because this week, the Democrats are using the National Guard like a ten-dollar hooker – disposable props to be exploited and cast aside the moment the Democrats got what they wanted.

They didn’t pay the National Guard to curtail a threat. There was no threat.

They paid the National Guard to leave once they served their purpose.

And apparently the National Guard has served their purpose. more

16 Comments on Using the National Guard like disposable props

  1. Said this before, these sanctimonious assholes are going to release the Kracken on the American people, doesn’t matter if you’re a Commie Dem or a Repube, we are going to teach you a lesson on how you never vote for another Trump again. Oh really, well we won’t forget how you stole an election either. 🤬

  2. And now many of them have Covid so likely some may become very ill or perhaps even die but don’t worry, Biden will have another day of remembrance with a light show because the democrats care oh so much.

  3. Election fraud, a coup and a resulting ruling Junta all have consequences.
    Say ‘hi’ to consequences.

    Folks, America is no more. Don’t wait till long to get the memo, or you’ll wind up a slave.

  4. @Brad, diesel is up more than 40 cents… I was doing good to find $2.08/gal today, most places are running $2.15 – $2.30. Last time I filled up it was $1.70.


  5. Plus the oil that would run thru a pipeline for next to nothing and pollute nothing now has to go by rail that takes oil to transport oil which makes oil more expensive, pollutes, and at some point a derailment will happen and cause a hazardous mess. Joe says it’ll save the environment though, I’d like proof of that, but no one is interested in asking questions.

  6. Those Guard boys are being forced to act in defiance of their oath to defend the country from domestic enemies (such as democrat politicians and RINO’s) not to defend them!


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