USS Cole Mastermind Likely Killed in Airstrike – IOTW Report

USS Cole Mastermind Likely Killed in Airstrike


A US official told CNN today that an airstrike probably killed al-Qaeda terrorist Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi, the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.

The attack killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others. Many believe the terrorist attack “foreshadowed the attack on the US less than one year later on September 11, 2001.”

From CNN:

While US Central Command, which oversees military operations in the region, later confirmed that al-Badawi was targeted in a strike, a spokesman said the US was still assessing the results.

“US forces conducted a precision strike Jan. 1st in the Marib governate, Yemen, targeting Jamal al-Badawi, a legacy al Qaeda operative in Yemen involved in the USS Cole bombing,” US Navy Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman for Central Command, told CNN in a statement.

“US forces are still assessing the results of the strike following a deliberate process to confirm his death,” he added.

The airstrike caught al-Badawi as he drove alone. Officials believe “there was not any collateral damage.”

The FBI had al-Badawi on its most wanted terrorists list. A federal grand jury indicted him in 2003 and he faced “50 counts of various terrorism offenses, including murder of US nationals and murder of US military personnel.”  MORE

15 Comments on USS Cole Mastermind Likely Killed in Airstrike

  1. * The airstrike caught al-Badawi as he drove alone. *

    Death from above.

    * following a deliberate process to confirm his death *

    Translation: still trying to find body parts

  2. …while I always enjoy a “good news” story like THIS on, I just…CAN’T…bring myself to click on a link to CNN, any more than I would stick my finger in a hepatitis-infected turd. It’s just NASTY.

    …thanks for doing the dirty work for me, @MJA, hope you washed up THOROUGHLY after doing so, tho…

  3. And exactly what does “collateral damage” mean in this context? Chances are he was surrounded by others of his ilk for most of his wretched life.


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