Utah AG says he’ll sue Obama over national monument – IOTW Report

Utah AG says he’ll sue Obama over national monument

TheHill: Utah’s attorney general says he is preparing a lawsuit against President Obama for his decision to designate a new national monument in the state.

Attorney General Sean Reyes (R) on Wednesday said the lawsuit is one of numerous ways that he, Gov. Gary Herbert (R) and the state’s congressional delegation will fight the Bears Ears National Monument.

Reyes admitted that previous attempts to sue over national monuments have failed. The courts have upheld presidents’ power to protect federal land as monuments unilaterally.

“My office is working closely with the governor’s office, federal and state legislators, and San Juan County to file a lawsuit challenging this egregious overreach by the Obama administration,” Reyes said in a statement late Wednesday after Obama’s announcement.

“This case is different from other past challenges by states and counties and we are confident in our chances of success,” he continued.

“But the courtroom is not our only option. Our federal delegation is working hard to defund the designation or rescind it altogether. Additionally, we look forward to working with the new presidential administration on ways to curtail or otherwise address the designation.”

All of Utah’s statewide leaders and congressional delegation oppose the Bears Ears monument, saying it unnecessarily restricts land uses like fossil fuel production. They want Congress to enact less restrictive protections for the land.  MORE

18 Comments on Utah AG says he’ll sue Obama over national monument

  1. Has anyone ever imagined such a petulant child, as barack obama is showing himself to be. Trouble is, it’s just not petulance we have to deal with, it’s the attempted destruction of as much of our country as he can do in the next 20 days. Trump needs to call congress back from recess and vacation to stop this TRAITOROUS BASTARD right now! I know that isn’t in his defined powers as PEOTUS, but what could happen in the next three weeks is serious.

  2. My impression from this is that the president can just pick an area and label it federally-controlled land. So why not pick all of the land in the US? Am I missing some legal authority that allows him to draw an area and call it federal domain?

  3. Oblunder has always seen America as an AirBnB and now he’s throwing a last ditch effort all out evil house party and trashing the place before he goes back to being a community outhouse activist. Watch and wait when he pardons shillary and co. Worst fucking president in the universe. He is truly the devils spawn.

  4. AG Reyes has a chance in that Obama strayed significantly from the rules in establishing Bears Ears NM.

    One result from this is that the Utah Navajos may petition to be treated as a separate treaty entity, as this is not the first time the tribal leadership in Window Rock has worked against their interests.

    Just as with Grand Staircase NM, there was little justification in including such a large area for designation. Most of the land is unremarkable.

    The Obama administration sold this to local Native Americans as a retaking for their benefit. Most of them saw it for what it is, a land grab for radical environmentalists. In every other instance when the Feds gave similar assurances, they have shafted Native Americans and barred access to their traditional lands.

    Another possible target for monument status is the San Rafael Swell. Look for that announcement in the next few weeks.

    Obama needs his wings clipped and his fangs pulled. I had hoped that Congress could have begun impeachment proceedings against him. It isn’t as though there is not enough cause. This lame duck needs to be caged. The Democrats in the Senate expressed anger over the farcical UN abstention. If it was anything more than feigned outrage, now may be a good time to act against him.

  5. It’s still not too late to impeach that son of a fucking communist whore. Should have been done long ago.
    Everybody can see the bastard is taking revenge on those who proved him to be a worthless traitor. Lock his ass up, make an example of him.
    He’s a fucking kid throwing a tantrum at the expense of the United States.

  6. Trump’s already on it. This latest move from obama was anticipated way back during the primaries. Don Jr., Eric discussed it and talked publicly about it within their recreational/outdoors associations. I heard/read their interviews about this and other of obama’s plans to shut down private use of public lands and limiting recreational access to public lands, etc.

    And as I understand it, Trump will have a boatload of legislative tasks all lined up in advance of 1/20, ready for the hopper. I read somewhere back in Oct/Nov that he and his transition team planned to call the congress into session on inauguration day(!) Don’t know if that’s true because the article wasn’t specific about sources but wouldn’t that be a hoot?

  7. @The Rat Fink, Too late, We are changed in ways that most likely are permanent. Even the “dullest” of lo-info voters are beginning to realize that this dumbass(mildest term I generally use for him) has inflicted wounds on this nation and it”s inhabitants that will never heal properly. There is one thing he’s done that should be capitalized upon, and that is the the indelible stain made to the Left’s brand by his petulance and unbridled arrogance. He is a scar that We will wear on our “butts” as a reminder (of how great “diversity” makes Us. /sarcasm intended.)

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