Utah AG Takes Personal Leave to Help Trump Fight “Compromised Election” – IOTW Report

Utah AG Takes Personal Leave to Help Trump Fight “Compromised Election”

Inside Scoop Politics: On Friday, Utah Attorney General announced that he is taking personal leave to help the Trump campaign fight the upcoming legal battles in court.

Sean Reyes (R) says the ‘Blue wave’ prediction was false and he’s seen enough.

Despite months of predictions about a “blue wave,” @GOP kept the Senate & expanded seats in the House. Biden & his allies know @POTUS will win if only verified, #legal votes are counted. We are making sure that happens but looks like courts may have to decide that.
10:54 AM · Nov 6, 2020 from Salt Lake City, UT

Reyes will be working in other states, although not clear which one(s) but he says the election has been ‘compromised’. more

7 Comments on Utah AG Takes Personal Leave to Help Trump Fight “Compromised Election”

  1. I met Reyes at a State convention, when he first ran for AG. Seemed like a nice guy (but then so did Ben McAdams when I spoke with him at the county fair when he first ran for County Mayor). Since then, I have had mixed feelings. This certainly moves him up significantly in my opinion of him, especially given that both Gov. Herbert and Gov.-elect Cox have been pretty squishy regarding Trump.


    1. They investigated Trump for 3 years over fraudulent claims.

    2. They impeached Trump based on fraudulent claims.

    3. Republicans didn’t think they would steal the election by FRAUD?

    You know, I’m no lawyer, not even a novice politician, but from what I can tell you, you don’t let your opposition count the votes with the windows blocked and the doors closed, with millions of ballots being thrown through windows and every doghouse in America. Where is the fight when it’s needed WAY before hand?

    What the the hell are you stupid Republicans thinking?!

  3. …Machines do not lie, but people who program them can instruct them to lie, and since a machine neither knows nor cares if what its displaying is a lie, it can show you the adjusted number its told to show you with an entirely straight face because it is simply doing what it is programmed to do. Unless you’re a complete geek with access to the source code, you will NEVER know if its true or not.

    This is a more benign example of this I have given before.

    …in my work with comuputerized control systems, we had a machine that had a design issue from the OEM that wouldn’t allow a particular conveyor to run above 80% because it would jam downstream assets that had physical limitations that prevented full speed operation. Output was at target, but there was this one display that said 80%, and I had limited it in the PLC to allowing no higher input.

    …well, they got someone’s college boy nephew who was gonna set the world on fire, and he was gonna start by pushing everything to 100% because that’s what idiots do, regardless of if it makes sense or not. I tried to treat him like a sentient human being at first and explain it was fine as it was and wouldn’t be fine if we did his thing, but he wasn’t about to listen to a grunt like me and insisted.

    So I made it so the DISPLAY would go to 100%, but the output stayed at 80.

    Didn’t tell him that last part.

    …so, nothing changed except I made a computer lie to him, and he was all up on how much faster and better everything ran even though in reality, NOTHING ACTUALLY CHANGED.

    But a computer display TOLD him it did, so he believed it without question.

    ….also, machines are also slaves to input. GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out, is an acronym as old as computers themselves. Even if a computer program is NOT coded to change numbers, if the numbers being put in are false, then the results will also be false. This, too, is something the computer itself neither knows nor cares about, it simply shows you whatever it is given using whatever formula it is given to process it before displaying it to the end user, who is typically NOT a programmer. There is a HUGE technological bias in people’s mental makeup whereby they believe what a machine tells them with an uncrital, total acceptance they would NEVER give a human, even though it may be a human telling the machine to give false data to them.

    One example of that, when I was a young car mechanic and computerized battery and system testers were just starting to come into use, we had a system that had a LOT of interactive questions for the human operator (me), and while it was kinda good at reading raw numbers and comparing them to a preprogrammed algorithm, one thing it could NOT do was interpret a diode pattern waveform. Without getting too much into how car alternators work, there’s a waveform that can show you if the alternator is generating the DC power cars use or not, and this machine in its final diagnostic step would show the waveform, and would give prompts at the bottom of the screen to the operator (me) showing 1-GOOD 2-BAD, meaning I was to interpret it and then use the “1” key to tell the machine it was GOOD, and the “2” key to tell the machine it was BAD. Well, having done this a thousand times by then, I pushed the “1” key quickly because the pattern was GOOD, and the machine printed its final report saying that his charging system was GOOD and he did not have to buy an alternator.

    The guy was watching, and was very worried about what he saw. He said, “Wait a minute, what does 2-BAD mean? What was BAD? Is my car BAD?”

    I explained it to him just as I did you, but he was having none of it. He saw a screen say BAD, so by God, he wanted to know what was BAD, even if it cost him a couple hundred dollars he did NOT have to spend!

    We had other guys, managers, etc., take him through and explain other tests to him, but he, like most SEARS customers, eventually stormed over to the main store, where the store manager ALWAYS gave idiots whatever they yelled about because he neither knew or cared about cars and working on them (another reason for the demise of SEARS, but that’s a different subject for another day) and someone – NOT me – put the new and totally unnecessary alternator in for him gratis.

    And I’m not sure how THEY got him past the 2-BAD display that surely would have shown on THAT test, because THAT’S WHAT THE MACHINE WAS PROGRAMMED TO DO. I was done with him by then, because the whole thing was obviouisly stupid.

    Just like this election fix is.

    To ANYONE who’s spent ANY time with computers, the way the numbers came in, the way they changed suddenly, and ESPECIALLY the graph where they suddenly go straight UP to a Biden win in MI, we can TELL what it looks like when a computer algorithm is used to suddenly adjust numbers. It’s pretty obvious if you know what you’re looking at…but most people DON’T, and those who DO are silenced by the enemedia and Big Tech, so MOST people are just hung up now on the 2-BAD tag and won’t accept ANY explaination until they get their Communist Revolution installed for free.

    I did a bit before on the REAL problem here on how it’s more fundamental than just evil Democrats, on how smart people have been overwhelmed by stupid becase smart people outsmarted themselves by protecting stupid from the results of stupid, but suffice to say that we will die on a tide of stupid, then stupid will die without us, but we won’t be around to see it and the Communist masters will be quite unaffected by ANY of this, just as they planned. This is already too long though, so I just linked to it below if you’re a glutton for punishment…



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