Utah- It’s time to retire Mitt Romney – IOTW Report

Utah- It’s time to retire Mitt Romney

And you may want to do an election audit.

American Thinker:

Regarding Mitt Romney…

By Rajan Laad

It is said that an unreliable ally is worse than a sworn enemy. This is because you expect the enemy to act against you. But when an ally either chooses to be a bystander when you are attacked or sides with your assailant to attack you, the treachery is both shocking and unforgivable.

One such consistently untrustworthy and unreliable ‘ally’ who has been a been a disappointment is Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah.

His latest betrayal came during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing on Tuesday.

Romney was the sole HELP Committee Republican to vote against lifting the mask and vaccine mandates in the federal Head Start program.

Head Start is a program run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and families. 

Currently, the program requires “masking for all individuals two years of age and older” and COVID-19 vaccination proof for adults involved in the program.

GOP Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana introduced an amendment “to prevent HHS from implementing or enforcing their regulations regarding mask or vaccination protections in the Head Start program again.” MORE h/t NAAC

13 Comments on Utah- It’s time to retire Mitt Romney

  1. A traitor to his party, his constituency, and his country.
    (yes, he gives aid and comfort to America’s enemies – for pay)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Being from Utah, only liberals (and there are a lot of liberal transplants from California), RINOs and those still suffering from TDS like this guys. Salt Lake City and Park City think Mittens walks on water.

    The rest of Utah? We see him for who he really is. Our AG, Sean Reyes, is hoping to primary this carpet-bagging asshat back to the rock he crawled out of. He does not represent the people of Utah and mainly keeps private because everywhere he goes in Utah he is heckled (think of the video of him at the Salt Lake Airport).

  3. Tim – FJB
    MARCH 19, 2022 AT 9:02 AM
    “A traitor to his party, his constituency, and his country.”

    …which is why I say he stays.

    Prove me wrong.

    If you *giggle* can…

  4. Mitt will be held accountable for his actions before God. No matter what kind of magic underwear he professes to wear with honor and dignity, it has rendered him neither. Crazy like Scientologists.

  5. The allure of that worthless piece of shit has always escaped me. But then again there were a few just like the worthless somnabitch in every high school and they were always able to manipulate a clique of acolytes to do their bidding and their fawning vacuous admirers came in flocks and herds.


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