Utah Monolith Still a Mystery, But Less Mysterious – IOTW Report

Utah Monolith Still a Mystery, But Less Mysterious


The location of the monolith discovered in the Red Rock area of Utah has been pinpointed by online detectives, down to the exact latitude and longitude. Other internet sleuths used Google Earth to determine that it was placed at that location sometime between August of 2015 and October of 2016.

But who placed it there and why remains unknown.

The area where the oddity was found may be a clue. The location is just south of Dead Horse Point State Park, between the park and Needles Point, a tourist outlook. As it happens, several dozen movies and TV shows have filmed in that area from the 1940s through today, although there isn’t a paved road for many miles in every direction. read more

17 Comments on Utah Monolith Still a Mystery, But Less Mysterious

  1. Uh oh. My sister and I were there in September 2015. Hope they can’t trace it back to … um, never mind. We didn’t do anything…

  2. Placed there by an artist with a sense of humor. On closer inspection, it is made out of polished aluminum attached to a frame of some kind with screws. Not that difficult to haul in to the site. It is very well placed in the sandstone, however. In another couple of weeks it will be covered with graffiti and defaced with “Moron Lives Matter.”


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