Utah: Romney Wins Senate Primary In A Landslide – IOTW Report

Utah: Romney Wins Senate Primary In A Landslide

DC: Former Massachusetts governor and failed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney defeated his primary challenger Tuesday evening in a landslide, setting him up for an all-but-assured victory in Utah’s general November midterm election.

Romney received over 72 percent of the vote against GOP Rep. Mike Kennedy, a physician who has resided in Utah since 2013. The final vote was called with over 89 percent of precincts reporting as of 11:43 p.m. Tuesday, with Romney receiving 72.9 percent of the vote compared to Kennedy’s 27.1 percent.  more

20 Comments on Utah: Romney Wins Senate Primary In A Landslide

  1. Well John McCain won’t have to worry about a legacy now, will he?

    Why America has problems is politicians like this one. (Where’s the dog riding when he brings the family to D.C.?)

    The only presidential election I didn’t vote since 1972 was when he ran couldn’t vote for the other guy or him either.

  2. Thanks Utah voters, not. So I guess with the Commie Dems lurching further Left, the Republicans are being sucked along with them like garbage circling the drain.

  3. I’m just wondering how large a donation to the Mormon church Romney made to get their support. I had hopes that the people of Utah would be intelligent enough not to buy into mitts bullshit. If elected all Mitt is going to do is be a anti-Trump obstructionist.

  4. Mormons voting for Romney just because he’s a Mormon.
    This is like women voting for Hillary just because she’s a woman.
    Or blacks voting for Obama just because he’s (1/2) black.

    Shallow non thinkers.

  5. Going all the way back to the Atlanta Olympics and the national rollout of the bastard I absolutely have never been able to stand the sight of him. He just rubbed me wrong from day one. He is as skeevy as they come.

  6. Bro. Mitt’s victory had nothing to do with his religion, though that will likely be a factor in November. Kennedy is also an active member of the LDS Church. Yesterday was all about virtue signalling, popularity and realpolitik (I would also say, everybody loves a winner, but that doesn’t really apply to Bro. Mitt now does it.).

    Kennedy allowed himself to be portrayed as a right-wing loon, perhaps because he is one and is proud of it. He was also heavily outspent, and was always being skewered by the local media, deserving or not. He was proof that pandering to Convention delegates does not guarantee ultimate success, especially when going against the Establishment.

    That being said, I just couldn’t vote for Bro. Mitt. I took a chance on Kennedy, but I was obviously in the minority. Ah well, nothing new.

    I am now faced in November with having to suppress vomiting and vote for Mitt and Mia. Better a couple of mushy Republicans than two far-left Democrats, but not by much.

  7. It was inevitable that the Mittster would win the primary in Utah, because he’s a “nice guy”, is photogenic with a well manicured smile and hair. Oh, and the money he threw around during his campaign didn’t hurt either.
    BTW, I did not vote for Mittster.


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