Utah Sen. Alvin Jackson Supports Repealing the 17th Amendment – IOTW Report

Utah Sen. Alvin Jackson Supports Repealing the 17th Amendment

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Link: The Salt Lake Tribune


h/t Torey Dawn

16 Comments on Utah Sen. Alvin Jackson Supports Repealing the 17th Amendment

  1. Good for him! More than anything, repealing the 17th Amendment is the way to turn things around and end the era of all powerful unlimited government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for only the wealthy. It won’t instantly fix everything, but is a necessary first step.

  2. Love the idea of moving power back to the states. If I’m not mistaken the President was originally chosen by the house of reps. That would probably be a crap shoot now, since congress is a haven for rino douches

  3. This was one of the “progressive” amendments to the Constitution, which, along with the Reconstruction Amendments and the perverse way they were interpreted, helped start the downward slide.
    And before someone says you can’t repeal a constitutional amendment, go have a beer and celebrate the fact that you can–otherwise Prohibition would still be the supreme law of the land.

  4. Any REAL scholar of the Constitution knows the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified. The 14th Amendment is the foundation of federal gummint over-reach and power usurpation, unconstitutionally stealing power from the State gummints and the People.

    I’ve been reading a whole mess of PIG Politically Incorrect Guide books and what I’ve read so far has me seething & stewing over how the federalists and then the progressives hijacked our country from we the people.

  5. Kind off topic, but here in Ohio there are many small business owners, limited government guys running to feel Boehner’s seat. People are fed up with the status quo including these guys!

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