Utah Special Election Results Put Mitt Romney on Notice for 2024 – IOTW Report

Utah Special Election Results Put Mitt Romney on Notice for 2024

Western Journal: A pro-Trump candidate won a three-way Republican primary in a special election Tuesday to fill a soon-to-be vacant congressional seat in Utah.

Celeste Maloy, a proponent of former President Donald Trump, defeated former state Rep. Becky Edwards, winning 38 percent of the vote in the race for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District.

Edwards won 35 percent of the vote, while businessman Bruce Hough had 26 percent.

The trio were vying to be the GOP candidate in the race to succeed Rep. Chris Stewart, who is resigning later this month to care for his ailing wife.

All three candidates campaigned on the traditional Republican platform of small government and pro-business agendas. more

6 Comments on Utah Special Election Results Put Mitt Romney on Notice for 2024

  1. ^ You can help him clean the McShitStain out of his Magic Underwear. Suggest full strength Clorox to start. Then work up to strong lye, if necessary. And, hey, go ahead and inhale a 50/50 mixture of ammonia and Clorox together in a bucket for yourself.

  2. Willard has yet learned his lesson. He like many republican RINOS believe they are untouchable.
    I hope the Good folks in Utah finally give Mittens, the RINO Carpetbagger, his Government Golden Parachute Retirement Plan.

  3. Cato,
    If I have anything to say about it, Mittens is OUTTA HERE! come next election.

  4. Bro. Mitt has the Republican leadership and the State oligarchy on his side. They have effectively shielded him from competent challengers, leaving us the choice between him and a Dem loon in the general election.

    I am not impressed with Staggs. I suppose Mike Lee is responsible for that. My eyes now glaze over when a politician is too eager to tell me what he thinks I want to hear.

    I was worried Celeste Mallory would not get through the primary. Becky Edwards had a lot of money spent on her campaign, a lot of woke money. Hough has a following among conservatives, but he doesn’t live in the District and that gets an automatic “No” from me.

    I spoke with Edwards in last year’s convention and she was a proud, unapologetic nevertrumper who crowed about her votes for Hillary and Biden, as though signalling her personal righteousness. If she ran as a Democrat, I would have more respect for her and I might even vote for her, depending on the choices available.


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