Utah: Subway employee drugged officer’s drink with Meth – IOTW Report

Utah: Subway employee drugged officer’s drink with Meth

(KUTV) – A lunch-hour trip to Subway ended with a Layton City police officer being treated for ingesting illegal drugs after a restaurant employee spiked his drink, Layton detectives say.

Tanis Ukena, 18, is in custody at the Davis County jail on suspicion of Surreptitious Administering of Poisonous Substance. According to a narrative by Layton Police Detective Kelly Rushton, Ukena was working at a Subway when a police sergeant in a marked police cruiser ordered a sandwich and drink at the drive-thru.  more

31 Comments on Utah: Subway employee drugged officer’s drink with Meth

  1. I only hope the most brutal killer in his future prison cell with HIV uses his ass like a rag doll…has it coming! ankles up, Sunshine…Barky would cut off both nads to be in your shackles…

  2. “News update: In an unrelated event, Layton Police Detective Kelly Rushton has been suspended without pay following his failure to pass a mandatory semi-annual drug test…”


  3. What a dickless move. What’s probably keeping him in one piece right now is the rep he got from spiking the cops drink. That won’t last long though if he gets a little hard time or if he says the wrong thing to some other guest of the city while in the lockup.

  4. He looks big enough to have played football in school- maybe he got knocked around to many times- also look at his face, sort of simple minded looking. may have wanted to join BLM but his whiteness was a hindrance.

  5. Watch him get elected to a Dem office while in jail.

    He’s got the right attitude and rap sheet for it.

    Tanis Ukena ?

    Lemme guess. Parents were drunk in Vegas and found a one armed bandit called Name Yo baby! and that’s what came up after all the wheels stopped spinning?

    Likely a sufferer of fetal alcohol syndrome? Just look at his face and his behavior. That aint normal.

  6. Dadof4 yes.. fetal alcohol. I thought that too… could be genetic facial features, but that IS how fetal alcohol syndrome looks in the eyes. If it isn’t that I’m sure it’s some other thing they’ll figure out to give him a lighter sentence.

  7. They said that the drugs hit the cop while he was driving and did cause him to have trouble somehow with his brake pedal at an intersection. So this could have potentially resulted in several deaths.

    That has to be the lowest, most cowardly way, to express hatred for law enforcement, trying to sneak a death and hoping it will go unnoticed? I left out stupidest.

  8. White guilt infected this idiotic piece of human waste a long time ago, he probably thinks that what he did to that poor officer was noble and ‘just’. I hope the little asswipe gets at least 5 years hard time.

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